According to my faction list, I have found 120 different factions that appealed to me when I was being picky about establishing a wide diversity of different looking characters. I have no idea of the care people put into trait and ability selection. I know I posted a couple with carefully selected or edited pictures and lore and a good deal of play testing with the traits. I figure the end result of all those arbitrary and unknown factions is as good as an RNG generated faction, possibly better.
Ah, yes, I have several of yours, I believe. I can't seem to search on your handle right now, so I can't figure out which ones, but you are quite prolific. Thank you!
Also, I have the same problem... most of the factions I have collected are good or neutral.
[quote who="erischild" reply="13" id="3648026"]
Like any crowd sourced content, it is a very mixed bag and it requires abandoning laziness to do your own curating. However, the criticisms "at best" and lack of promised 100 factions are both incorrect, or exaggerations at best.
I agree that, like much crowd-sourced content, Steam factions cannot be relied on. Most of the factions I have downloaded from Steam have terrible graphics (usually a hack-photoshop job and/or one of the included race pictures), the descriptions are so full of poor grammar and typographical errors that I can no longer suspend belief, the background is hit-or-miss (almost always miss), and a great many of them of them are just an excuse to post pictures of half-naked ladies.
I don't know about lazy: I am a very ill person who sleeps sixteen hours a day, and I have still put in almost every waking moment (sad, I know) into editing Steam factions so they can be used. I'm not complaining about editing and curating the factions I want... online content is WYSWYG, and I don't mind putting in the time every so often. The points are thus:
- They should not advertise a feature and then depend on crowd-sourcing to fulfill the "promise." Or, they should have made it more clear that a significant portion of the game was going to be crowd-sourced.
- If they are going to do that anyway, the very least they could do is provide us with a few new factions, especially ones they have already more than half created for DLC.
- I should not have to spend months (literally, months) editing when I should be playing the game.
I paid for a game that made promises (or at least advertising claims) and cannot back them up. I am displeased.
And I agree, GRM is fantastic. I use the vanilla version with modified minors, because Gauntlet's minors use some of the old logos that I want reserved for the old minor races, and I can't take an alien faction named the "Huron" seriously.