Informatic Diplomacy does indeed have all the Cosmetic changes, DiplomacyDefs.xml is just expanded to account for the -20 to +20 realtions, doesnt impact gameplay at all, since I only doubled up the relations in it, its the same as vanilla but taking the new scale into account, same for the changes to GalCiv3AIDefs in the AITweaks folder, I adjusted Trade, Aid, Base and Tribute relations to accomodate the new scale.
If I did not do this you would max out realtions at +10 or -10 still, would kinda make the additonal scales pointless, my inital release went to 15, but Ripe for Conquest maxed that out and produced overflow +20 seems to do the trick highest I have seen RFC since is -18, I wanted the mod to have full visibility in regards to the relation modifiers, no overflow.
ID Gameplay contains the files that impact on gameplay. adjusted modifiers ect. Thinking about it, so does GalCiv3AIDefs since I changed treaty values. Hmm might have to do two mods.
Out of curiosity what changes have you made to Diplomacy? Are they worth sharing? Maybe combine this and that?