Going away for a while so here is some feedback on 0.3f beta after 200 turns:
Federation wonders work well, may overpower against some of the more vanilla factions but BORG are still supreme. Commander improvement is nowhere to be seen.
Terraforming changes are a great improvement. Much better balance
Still some issues with anomalies due to base code, AI does not take advantage of precursor anomalies and even on rare they still can overpower the human player especially if luck gives a couple "25% increase to manufacturing to all planets" in a row.
The improvements to the shipyards in hitpoints and the bump given by military starbases makes a big difference in the early game, AI tried attacking several of mine and was repulsed on a couple occasions. That was good to see.
Diplomacy seems better balanced, maybe the "hated fashion" code made a difference? No more love from factions I am at war with.
Definitely wish someone, SD?, would fix the clickfest that starbases generate when a new improvement is researched. with over 50 starbases it is a real pain to suddenly have to go through each starbase and click for the new improvement to be constructed. The code to automatically construct only works for upgrades. A button that basically says "build on all starbases" would be very well received.
To answer a question I saw on another post, yes the AI attacks several times in the same turn now. The Ferengi destroyed three of my fleets in a row with the same powerful fleet. That part of it works.
Not a Star Trek mod issue but impactful, there are some issues with the new precursor ship components and planet improvements from the recent DLC. You can, in some circumstances, build multiple versions on planets and you cannot reuse ship components when the ship they were on is upgraded or destroyed.
The minor races fall behind very quickly and only seem to research minor tech. I turned 9 races with the benevolent ideological choice that flips them and their planets were very far behind. at some point there should be some attention paid to these. As it stands they do not have much use aside from keeping planets warm until the majors take them over.