Completely new to mods.. how do you DL and installt his?
Click on this 0.3g Link.
Follow instructions:
Due to the introduction of a new Ship Class I have edited the existing faction ShipStyles to reflect this.
If you have the Snathi DLC you will need the Mod:- ST_DP_Snathi. Otherwise you need not extract this folder.
(I do not think it matters tbh but well a warning is always wise)
ALWAYS Remove any Previous Versions of this mod, ALL folders, as I regulary have a Folder restructure and edited some filenames to be more inline with the rest of the mod.
If you do not remove the old version you will have duplicate entry errors.
Make a back up of GradientMap.png & GradientMapLights.png located in ...Steam/steamapps/common/Galactic Civilizations 3/Gfx
Place the two folders located in: [For You Game Directory] here:-
...Steam/steamapps/common/Galactic Civilizations 3 (Or where ever you installed the game)
Overwrite when prompted.
Place the two folders located in: [For your My Games - GalCiv3 Directory] here:-
...Documents/My Games/GalCiv3
Overwrite when Prompted.
Place the 3 folders located in: [Cosmetic Changes - For Your Game Directory] here:-
...Steam/steamapps/common/Galactic Civilizations 3 (Or where ever you installed the game)
Overwrite when prompted.
GST Alpha 0.3h Patch 1.0
Extract to:- ...My Games/GalCiv3/Mods/Star Trek - Core
Overwrite when prompted.
1.82 Text String Overflow Fix
Extract to:- ...My Games/GalCiv3/Mods
The rest of the mini mods you should be able to add or remove as you wish.
Then you need to delete a few files from the mod due to the bug we have been discussing:-
Goto - My Games/GalCiv3/Mods/Star Trek - Core/Text
There are 10 files:-
- ST_BreenTechDefsText.xml
- ST_FerengiTechDefsText.xml
- ST_BorgTechDefsText.xml
- ST_MaquisTechDefsText.xml
- ST_RomulanTechDefsText.xml
- ST_FEDTechDefsText.xml
- ST_KlingonTechDefsText.xml
- ST_DominionTechDefsText.xml
- ST_TholianTechDefsText.xml
- ST_CardassianTechDefsText.xml
Remove Tholian, and any other 5. Preferably not the race you are going to play, or you will just get string entrys on the tech tree (KlingonInterstellarTravel_Name ect)
See Nexus link for a fix to the text overflow bug!