Why don't I have access to the founders forum all of a sudden? Are others able to still access this forum, is it an issue with the site? Thanks
I was just about the post the same thing.
Okay thank you hopefully it will be resolved soon.
hmm, seems like i have the same problem. Access denied
Can't find it either.
Access denied. Ditto.
Same here.
access denied
Clearly you've all misbehaved and are now excluded. I'm very disappointed in you all.
Be careful now, the prophets might not protect you from the founders if you become too proud
I assume you are referring to the topic "FOUNDERS: Mercenaries BETA"? I as well have issue.
There was an access issue late yesterday and the forum was locked down, it will be getting looked at again today to make sure everyone who should have access does.
Thanks kryo
Appears this should be working now, working for me.
Access to the Founders forum should be working again. Sorry for the interruption.
There's a founder's forum? If I've seen one, I don't recall.
In the Gal Civ General sub forum go to the bottom of the page.
Thanks I guess I didn't find it because I'm big on recent posts, so I can post new stuff in here and not worry about revealing secrets. I should act like myself, and use founders vault.
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