So after numerous attempts I finally stopped my laptop from overheating and now I can play GC3 again. This game was started after 1.5 went live, it's on the 4th largest map with 9 major civilizations and minors set to abundant.
- coercion could use a boost, right now it's way too easy to keep it at 0
- approval is also easy to maintain now
Planetary improvements
- the strategic resource requiring improvements need a buff, as they are now aren't worth building, with the exception of the Elirium Shield
- I think the projects could use a boost
- the adjacency bonus for Omega Research Center is rather low, +4% at level 4, compared to +30% for normal research improvements

- the adjacency bonus to the various Hyperion improvements, and maybe wonders in general, are OP, or rather can be OP. Below is an example with Hyperion Supply System. I propose either they don't get an adjacency bonus with a higher bonus to adjacent improvements, or replace their bonus with one to ship manufacturing

- the Temple of Enlightenment should be classified as a research improvement, not approval

- the approval modules for economic starbases should be changed to multipliers
- the Interceptors module causes the shield icon to appear over starbases, this makes it very difficult to see which starbase has a defending fleet in the main map. Also I think the shield icon should be displayed closer to starbases and shipyards

- I think construction and colony modules could use an increase in manufacturing cost, or cargo holds could use one
- relations between civs ping-pongs between positive and negative too fast, in one turn the Drengin liked me, in the next they hate me
- you can offer another Research Treaty, and I suspect the others as well, even if you already have one ongoing. I don't know if they have any affect either, they certainly aren't listed in the tool-tip I also think they should be reduced to 10% or 15% and AI opponents should value them less since they go both ways now
- I would suggest that treaties, including Open Border, Exploration, Alliance, etc, should last indefinitely with the option to renegotiate it or rescind it after a certain number of turns, I think 25 or 50 would be good choices
- the power ranking number should be less based on military power
- for the Diplomacy screen it would be nice if we could select to only show certain relations, like show only war or trades
- I think we need a page that shows the relations between the civs like in GC2, how close they are, etc.
- I think it would be better if a session to hold a leader would be held immediately after the old ones term finished
- I have all the UP resolutions techs, yet I only have 5 resolutions to choose from

- linked to the above point about approval the research specializations that give +4 to approval need to be reduced, I think a +30% would be better
- the Alliance Focus specializations don't unlock any new forms of alliance

- in the Research screen the research per turn number isn't displayed correctly, see above
- the ideology points generating projects should return, it is very hard to obtain ideology points after all the planets have been colonized
- the flip all planets and starbases in zoi and make all colonies culture flip immune traits should be reworked to increase speed at which opponent colonies culture flip, respectively decrease the speed at which your own colonies would culture flip
- again I request for somewhere to be displayed how many ideology points are being generated per turn
- I know there were complaints that culture flipping was too easy, but now I think it is extremely slow. I think it's 20 times easier to just build a troop transport and capture a planet than to culture flip it.
- after about turn 200 or so the AI opponents seem to have stopped researching, while I continued to advance at a very fast pace
- I've noticed all the AI opponents select the top specialization to research most of the time, it should be a little more varied
- I've seen the Krynn build the Bureau of Labor on their planets, since they already have the coercion trait they don't need it
- I have some trouble when telling a fleet at a rally point to move, I select it and right click but nothing happens. It works when clicking idle ship
Precursor worlds
- while I think the planets are fairly balanced, the population penalty is rather brutal. Perhaps if it was reduced as you research the precursor studies branch would be a good fix
- I echo the sentiment that the anomalies are too OP, reduce their frequency, bump their defenders, make the AI go after them. I had 11 medium ships and a survey ship in a fleet set to auto-survey and it ignored precursor anomalies completely
- after 250 turns I noticed the game slowing down drastically and had to shut off sound to get some improvement, this may have more to do with my machine tough
- mentioned this one in it's own thread, but what your final treasury number will be is listed at Treaty Revenue
- I had this colony that was under Krynn influence, but after it fell under my influence it is still listed as under danger of culture fipping

- the Supportive Population specializations are colored gray

- the Benevolent trait Admirable should only be applied to the homeworld, it's also applied to the first colony

- hotseat multiplayer, I'd really like this, both to play with friends and family. And to control multiple civs at the same time
- assimilation treaties, mostly because culture flipping is so slow
- non-culture flip treaties, like the UP resolution but in treaty form. I'd like to use it after reducing a civilization to 1 planet and keeping them around like a pseudo-minor
- civilization specific technology being tradable
- ingame encyclopedia, I've mentioned this before. What I liked in GC2 were some of technology descriptions take enriched the lore of the GC universe, like the story between the Altarians and Drath, or that the Drenging don't like fictional stories and feel pleasure when sensing pain in other, or the Yor and their spark. I realize most didn't belong in the tech tree and appreciate that the tech descriptions are more consistent, as in GC2 some were entire paragraphs while others a single sentence. That's why I think and ingame encyclopedia would be the best place to add them, there could profiles on the leaders, explanation on how some technologies work, history of the civilizations, etc.
- I'd love an option to show real time ingame
That's it for now, I'll update this as I continue playing.