Many fans are unhappy with the removal of the wheel and thus the wasted production introduced into Gal Civ 3 by the 1.4 patch. This small mod makes 4 changes:
All focuses set to 100%
Colony hubs give social manufacturing instead of production
Military Subsidies project is available from the start
AI governors taught to use focuses.
This should help players who don't necessarily mind focuses, but do think that they would be better at 100%. The change to colony hubs ensures that the AI will continue to build improvements, even when using a 100% research or econ planet. The player can also use this to avoid tedious micromanagement when he needs to upgrade planets.
Hopefully, this will help those players cope until the prefs.ini which allows the re-introduction of the wheel is added. To use it, just download the file, extract it into you \my douments\my games\galciv3\mods folder and then turn mods on in the game menu.
Download Link: