Post a screenshot of your desktop and show other members what skins and themes you are using on your desktop.
My current linux desktop :
Comments appreciated. Don`t worry my next wb skin with a bit help from davebax will be out soon!
Windows 10
Looks great Irokoness!
Hmm, looks like "Flash"....on 10 ??! wow
-Cool shot Irok
Cool shot. I don't recognize the blind. Which one is it?
That's on Windows 10 huh? Looks pretty good! I can't wait for SKS and WB 10 to come out!
Uvah, that's Flash by MrPaul.
And yup, Windows 10. On my Samsung series 5 laptop. It was shaky at the beginning... but eventually everything upgraded.
Must say, I really like it too.
Thank you.
Yes it is October.
That's bigger than my whole table.
Looks good though Jim.
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