So I thought it might be nice to start a discussion about these...
The more and more I play the more unnatural the current system feels. Particularly:
1) Destroyed/scrapped ships/buildings produce 100% recycled resources. I never have to feel bad that my 10+ Durantium Battleship got destroyed, I can almost instantly replace it. The only real cost is its presence is missing from the front and the time to rebuild it.
2) The sheer volume of resources, even on rare, thoroughly encourages the constructor spam issue.
3) Obviously the balance is heavily slanted towards Durantium... I haven't seen Elerium in ages...
Do people think it would be better to move to a income model? Basically, a yield of 1 resource becomes a production of 1 resource say, every 20 turns? Techs could either increase the yield or decrease the time it takes to produce that resource.
Then, remove all recycling (excluding buildings/ships you cancel that have not yet finished, or you could even let there be recycling of buildings when destroyed, but NOT ships).
Furthermore, all trades of these resources then becomes permanent.
And then personally, I would reduce the resource count on most settings significantly, as you don't need to be mining a bunch of sources, you can rely on say, half that number, and mine them over time. Want more? Tech it up/beef up your bases.
This should obviously go hand-in-hand with re-balancing the Starbases in general and fixing constructor spam.
While very traditional, I think this works a lot cleaner and is more natural to players. Its special money that I spend, if something valuable gets destroyed, it costs me, it causes pain. That creates tougher choices and more strategy. It also cleans up my treaties and my diplomacy options.