The Steam Sale and E3 pushed things back a bit. "Early July" is the ETA for the first DLC (the map editor and a map pack).
Here is the current roadmap, as posted by Frogboy over at Steam (
Jun 23 @ 9:01pm
In another thread we discussed the wish lists for GalCiv III.
Our tentative update schedule is:
v1.1: Early July (would have been this month except for the Steam sale and E3)
v1.2: August (looking at random events and more UI polish, AI updates, etc.)
v1.3: September (looking at politics and diplomacy, plus more UI, large empire automation, etc.)
v1.4: October (battle system focus, AI, etc.)
v1.5: November (TBD)
Each of these updates will also make available DLC.
The first DLC will be the map pack and map editor
So, bascially, when 1.1 is released. Probably.