What should I do?
I'm a master level chess player and I day trade as a hobby and so according to my code of ethics, I CAN'T not min/max. I've tried to change the AI to Synthetics on Godlike and I make two AI to work together and be on the same team. Nothing works. The AI is too dumb. What should be done?
Once you have 100+ colonies, it doesn't matter.
You'll have 50 turns to prepare. You produce warships. FROM 100+ COLONIES. Should be sufficient, I believe.
Then do it.. Beat Godlike and post proof.
If you start a game with a big map and lots of colonizable planets and few enough AI:
1. It's not particularly hard or impressive to colonize lots of worlds
2. The AI isn't sitting there waiting for you and doing nothing. They will have lots of worlds too because you made it easy for them to get them as well
I've had games where I had 150+ colonies and not with Abundant x 3. Yes, it got to the point where I was certain to win BUT it wasn't against Godlike.
You asked, "What should I do?". There is your answer, DO IT. Beat it on Godlike, don't just "I believe", play it out. You might find that it won't be quite as easy as you think.
And last thing. How exactly does creating a fast expanding race, then doing exactly that in a game that is set up to favor fast expansion some how prove that the AI is dumb? Wouldn't you actually need to beat the AI not just assume you will? It might "prove" that a game mechanic is out of balance but it doesn't speak the AI, at all.
Regards and good luck winning that game.