After noticing my constructor build-time went from 1 turn to 6 turns relatively quickly I could not figure out why. (I've long since trimmed the constructor blueprint so they will have no more than 2 engines, 2 life-support, and the rest construction modules)
Finally realized that each Stasis Field Generator module costs 235 construction! That seems a bit... excessive. 
Looking through the ship components, I see that while the size and range for life-support both climb slowly (from 6 mass/6 range up to 14 mass/21 range), cost skyrockets: starting at 4 -> 10 -> 24 -> 52 -> 111 -> 235. And it is not like they are "one per ship" type modules that you pay for the improvements. A level 2 and 3 life-support module, combined, have the same mass (14) and provides the same range (21) as the Stasis Field Generator, at a fraction of the cost (34 vs. 235).
Anyway, thought I'd throw this out there for some feedback.