Hey all, you may have noticed that when you research medium hulls and missiles, medium missile boats don't actually become available.
This is because the code for the 'ranger' type ship (the name of the Medium hull missile ship), for all races and all variants, links to a blueprint for the Destroyer; Destroyers are large hulled missile ships. This is even for the pirates.
Code: xml
- <ShipClass>
- <InternalName>AltarianRanger</InternalName>
- ~~~
- <BlueprintDef>DestroyerBlueprint</BlueprintDef>
- </ShipClass>
Code: xml
- <ShipClass>
- <InternalName>KrynnRangerP</InternalName>
- ~~~
- <BlueprintDef>DestroyerPBlueprint</BlueprintDef>
- </ShipClass>
Code: xml
- <ShipClass>
- <InternalName>IconianRangerL</InternalName>
- ~~~
- <BlueprintDef>DestroyerLBlueprint</BlueprintDef>
- </ShipClass>
So the game will wait until you've unlocked large hulls, then create a Large Ranger that looks like its intended medium counterpart, and fitted with exactly the same stuff as it puts on the Destroyer type large missile ship.
While there *is* a RangerBlueprint, uh, blueprint, it isn't referenced anywhere in ShipClassDefs, and checking back to a version from the 19th of may it wasn't there either.
If you're confident enough you won't wreck your game, you can fix these easily enough in the ShipClassDefs.XML. If you're not quite as willing to dive in to the coding, I've put up a little mod here which fixes it - place it in your MyDocuments\MyGames\GalCiv3\mods folder: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/45479330/GalCiv3%20Ranger%20PatchMod/000_MediumMissileBoatFix.rar
That mod will (most likely) load first so it shouldn't interfere with other ship mods.
I've submitted this to support with ticket #FKU-565-64241