OK, I decided to do some empirical testing just now. Patched to 1.02., started an Insane Map with everything cranked to Abundant (except for Extreme Worlds which was set to Rare). Opened up the console and hit Colonize All.
This is what I got:

That's... WAY to small for me. Literally by an order of magnitude. 
For comparison, I was getting 1500 more or less when I did the same thing on an I/A/A/A map previously.
In case the fact that I chose Loose Clusters has anything to do with it, I went ahead and did the same thing, this time with Scattered (which should give the largest amount of room for star placement).
Got the exact same number: 208.
Now I know that this can be modded (in a couple of different places, actually). And I know this is for getting feedback. And I even know that through various ideological traits, a few more planets appear, thus depending on what those other factions do and the number of them, the 208 number will go up. And, of course, that 208 number doesn't include the 7 other factions I have on the map.
Still. This is a lot smaller than I even imagined last night. As I said previously, on Immense Maps in GC II with everything cranked up, I would usually see a final planet count at around 550 or so. Which was perfectly manageable if one did things in bite sized chunks. Maybe the base game should have less planets on an Insane Map. Personally, I disagree, but I can see the arguments when it comes to expectation settings and performance on people's home rigs. On the other hand, Insane should be, well, Insane. And I don't think it should be about 40% of Immense of GC II. 
So not a fan at all I'm afraid. Both for personal and structural reasons.
Besides, it almost makes the much mooted 100 player faction games unplayable. Literally on smaller maps. 
In case the number of asteroids, relics, and everything else on the map made any difference, I made another check after setting all asteroids, nebulae, black holes, pirates, anomalies, and relics to none. Got the exact same number of planets before. 
BTW, I do hope this (and my prior) post(s) don't come out as sounding overly cranky or entitled. I admit I am a little personally miffed, but I am trying to keep the feedback as even-keeled as possible. Mostly because I like my crititcism to be constructive. But also partially because I think I have a greater chance of being listened to if I am reasonable.
Well, reasonable-ish.