Regarding Pop to Production, I believe i fixed that in version 7.0 but if not I definitely did in this next version. If its the old ratio, than it would be 1 Pop to .5 Production.
So... this release is going to be a good one all around. More ship appearances, logos, portraits, etc... a new ship set, revisions (with class names) for the Veygar and Zrentak, bug fixes...
But as always... more love for the Terrans! Specifically, filling some gaps and giving some more variety to the Huge Hulls... as well as some new weapons! Some of this I've posted before, but lets review.
New weapons...
Scatter Beam Turret (for moderate attack and long range point defense)
The "Bertha" Super Long Range Beam Cannon (Great for Sniping Large and Huge Hulls)

Ballista Heavy Missile Launcher

Then we have a New advanced Tiny Fighter... the Chimera. The Chimera class has a balanced weapon profile (Kinetic and Missiles) whilst also being capable of atmospheric and deep space operations. This makes the Chimera the most flexible fighter within the Terran navy.

For a new Small Hull we have this baby... which I am in love with... currently there is the Balanced (Pollux) Beam (Triton) and Exploration (Castor) versions. The Castor is the new "mission ship".

Moving on to the Mediums we have a new experimental Kinetic (the Minotaur) and the experimental Beam (the Manticore)
Finally, in the Huge Hull department, we have a grand new "Xenophon Grade" hull, with various classes therein (Zelos, Bia, Kratos, and Krevanos classes).

You'll find the Terran shipset has been revised to incorporate these new things into the default ship designs, and that the ship designs now include my class names in their descriptions (previously, I've only incorporated this to the Template names). It's been fun continuing to find Greek names for all this stuff lol!
Here's a glimpse into the spreadsheet I use just for organizing!
Screenshot of GRM Workbook