Sorts! Lots and lots of sorts for all lists that can grow to over 10 items, such as planet lists, ship lists, ship lists in shipyards, ship lists in ship designer, Star base lists, Rally points, etc.
Filters for the planet list on the main map: Owned by player, discovered but not owned, discovered and owned by other players (note: if this could be filtered by each faction, it would be nice. If not, it would be nice to have it sortable by faction name as well as listed below.)
Sorts by: for planets: name, population, class, quality, habitation condition, approval rate, income, top item on production queue, more.
for ship lists in shipyards: ship name, ship class, ship hull size, defense, weapons, more.
for ship lists in designer: ship name, ship class, user/core, hull size, defense, weapons, more.
for rally points: name, distance from selected ship, planet, or shipyard. more.
Please note that this is urgently needed. The game is heavy and cumbersome without these sorts and filters.