Troll or not, it is actually a valid point. The Stardock supplied art is of a quality that it should be possible for the artists to suggest a bit of gender besides Altairian and Humans. It's very good art and I admire the skill and variety, but it does come off as a bit of a boy's club.
Only to the hypersensitive and those looking for things to get offended about. This must be another troll post.
Hi there. As far as I know, I am not a troll. You may know more about me than I do. It is amazing how much people think they know about you on the Internet.
If you really wanted, I could discuss the point with you to whatever degree of thoroughness and courtesy you would wish. It is fun to talk to people with differing opinions. Mine are often strange and skewed, so I try not to criticize people for disagreeing with me. In fact, I often encourage it.
However, it is unlikely that we would get far. The issue seems to trigger over-reactions from all sides and there becomes too much side noise and yelling.
If you are really interested, we might exchange PMs or something, but other than making the point that some people do care about this, I am not sure I have anything else to prove or inform or contribute constructively. I tried to make the point as gently and politely as I could. I regret that you took it as a troll. If you could offer a suggestion on how I would word things to make my point and not be a troll in your eyes, I would appreciate the constructive feedback. If you are just name calling, then I apologize tor taking up so much un-needed text in the forum. I don't know how to tell the difference from my end.