constructor spam .. definately nailed it
Admittedly in the "late game" (which is what Brad was talking about) one can load up ships with enough consturctors to completely build a maxed out starbase in a couple of turns. Hell, if you grow fast enough, you can get those crazy ships in the "mid game".
I'm already building ships with 12 constructors on it, and once Helios Ore starts working I suspect I can get it up even further. 15 or 16 on a massive hull should be doable. Get the 2x pragmatic trait and that's 30 contruction points at once.
I find that cuts down on the spam.
EDIT::::: Admittedly, I do have a custom faction with a trait that expands my hull capacity. But, really, enough Helios Ore should make up the difference there. It ain't THAT much of a help.