So there is a huge discussion on the amount of Micromanagement having Overflow caps creates.
And man some folks have OCD, but hey thats all good as this is a TBSG and not a RTS or other so taking your time and doing it right is the big payoff.
A few things that everyone needs to think about.
1. Economy is not the finished economy. Production values are all at 100% now. In the finished game there is going to be waste and slowdowns generated by the size of your empire and the number of people. you will never see 100% production again.
2. I suspect that people who focus too much on pure production are going to be shocked at how much loss they have when the devs actually put in the corruption/waste/lost to production inefficiency.
3. I would like to see excess production automatically be converted into wealth. I would suggest this rate be less than the economy project, but still allow the excess production to be used.
4. I also think changing the production slider should be gradual. no economy changes on a dime. you go from 100% research to 100% production it should take a few turns (I'd say 5-10) to actually happen. This will lower the micromanagement because it will give players incentive to make longer term choices. "do I build x now and have wasted production, or do I build y?