Beta ver
Some suggestions to reduce all sorts of micromanagement in the game.
1) "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode.
Each shipyard can be set to automatically build and send constructors to starbases.
The "Auto Upgrade Starbases" button (on/off button) is added in the shipyard screen and it's located near the "Designer" and "Shut down/Resume" buttons.
How it work.
When this mode is activated (Auto Upgrade Starbases), the shipyard built automatically constructors and send them to the nearest and first starbase in the priority list (see below) who need upgrading. The program should be smart enough to not send constructors across the map and then send it back to another starbase because another shipyard has send a constructor to the same starbase more quickly.
At any time, the player can add ships to build in the Manufacturing Queue. The "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode is then paused (if there is a constructor in the list, it's paused, not removed) and the added ships are built. After the added ships are built, the mode is then unpaused to continue the constructors building.
If there is no need for a starbase module upgrade on the map, the program should be smart enough to pause the "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode and to resume it if new modules are available to upgrade starbases on the map.
If there is more than one shipyard set to "Auto Upgrade Starbases" and a need for only one starbase module, the program should be smart enough to pause the "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode for the others shipyards. The shipyard who can deliver the constructor as quickly as possible (construction time and time to go to the starbase) is selected for continuing its work.
The "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode works at the same time that the "Shut down/Resume" button.
If the shipyard is set to "Shut down" ("Resume" label displayed on the button), the "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode is paused.
If the shipyard is set to "Resume" (active shipyard) ("Shut down" label displayed on the button), the "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode is enabled.
If the shipyard is set to "Resume" (active shipyard) ("Shut down" label displayed on the button), and the "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode is paused (no need for a starbase module upgrade on the map), the player is "prompted" to assign an order ("Idle Shipyard" button).
"Auto Upgrade Starbases" priority list window.
Add an "Auto Upgrade Starbases" priority list window, so that the player can change the starbase upgrades priority for the starbases on the map.
The priority list window displays all the starbases available for upgrade on the map. The player can change the priority for starbase upgrades just like in the shipyard Manufacturing Queue or in the planet Manufacturing Queue.
Eco Starbase Earth 01 (priority 1)
Eco Starbase Earth 03 (priority 2)
Elerium Starbase Earth 02 (priority 3)
Military Starbase Earth 01 (priority 1)
Elerium Starbase Earth 02 (priority 2)
Eco Starbase Earth 01 (priority 3)
Eco Starbase Earth 03 (priority 4)
An advanced system with filters, etc. allow to adjust the priority with more ease for the player, as there can be a lot of starbases on the map with all the new resources to harvest in addition to those already present in GalCiv2.
This way, for the micromanagement lovers, nothing is changed, they can continue to manage constructors ad infinitum. 
And this will greatly reduce the micromanagement tedium of constructors for the more strategically oriented players.
2) Add the possibility to create starbase models.
The player selects the starbase modules (even the modules not yet researched), Module-A, Module-D, Module-G, creates a starbase model, names it (ex: Starbase Resource Extractor Mk1) and saves it (it can be an xml file, reusable in other games, easily editable outside the program).
When constructing/entering a starbase, the player can load a starbase model file. When a constructor reaches the starbase, the starbase is automatically upgraded corresponding to the starbase model, and only this.
In combination with the "Auto Upgrade Starbases" mode, it would really help the player to concentrate on the strategic part of the game for the players more inclined to "strategy first" playstyle.
3) Add ship command for ship in the designer, for shipyard and rally point.
Allow to set a ship command to a ship type in the ship designer.
Say, i design a ship with 2 lasers, an engine, etc. and names it "My First Laser Ship".
At the same time, I would like to be able to set the command for this ship type to "Guard".
So each ship of this type built in all my shipyards is automatically set to "Guard" when built.
Or, I design a scout and sets the command for this ship type to "Explore".
This will greatly reduce the micromanagement, especially with lot of ships built the same turn all over the map, as it is now not possible to "skip/ignore" a ship just like it was in GalCiv2, the program forces the player to assign a command to all ships ("Idle Ship" button). This can be really annoying.
Allow to set a ship command to all ships built in a specific shipyard.
Just like above, all the ships built in this specific shipyard are automatically set to "Guard" (or other command) when built.
Allow to set a ship command to a rally point.
Like above.
Rally Point 01
Command: Guard
When a ship arrives at "Rally Point 01", the ship command is automatically set to "Guard", so the player does not have the "Ship Idle" button for all ships arriving at this rally point.
Ship command priority.
If the player set a command for a ship type in the designer and a different command in the shipyard, then the shipyard command has priority.
Command set to "Explore" in the designer and set to "Guard" in the shipyard, the ship built is set to "Guard".
If the player set a command for a ship type in the designer, and a different command in the shipyard, and a different command for the rally point, then the rally point command has priority.
Command set to "Explore" in the designer, and set to "Guard" in the shipyard, and set to "Explore" for the rally point, the ship built is set to "Explore".
In all cases, the rally point has the highest priority, then the shipyard, then the designer.
4) Add the possibility to create a fleet model in designer, in shipyard and for rally point.
It should be possible to select different ship types and create a fleet model.
A "Create Fleet Model" button is added in designer screen, in shipyard screen and in rally point creation window.
In the designer, the player can select different ship types and creates a fleet model.
The player selects 2 Cutters, 3 Gunboats, 1 Fury and 2 My Ship Name and create a fleet model, names it (ex: My Best Fleet) and saves it (it can be an xml file, reusable in other games, easily editable outside the program). A ship/fleet command can also be added to the fleet model (ex: Command: Guard).
In a shipyard, the player can also create a fleet model and save it the same way, put it in the Manufacturing Queue (it appears just like a ship construction task in the Manufacturing Queue except it's a fleet). The player can also load a fleet model file (created in the designer or in a shipyard in the same game or in a precedent game).
When creating a rally point, the player can also create a fleet model and save it the same way, and can assign it to the rally point. So, when all different ships from different shipyards reach the rally point they are automatically assembled in fleets corresponding to the fleet model.
With the new combat system (different roles for different ships), it will be more complex to elaborate fleets (compared to GalCiv2 where you put the most of your best ships in a fleet), so, much more time consuming to perform the task. This will also greatly reduce the micromanagement for the constitution of fleets all over the map.
5) Allow to set more than one rally points to ship/fleet (a sort of list).
Rally Point 01
Rally Point 02
Rally Point 03
Rally Point 04
The ship will go first to "Rally Point 01", then "Rally Point 02", "Rally Point 03" and "Rally Point 04".
This way, the player can define a path to the ship, per example to avoid the ship to pass in the ZOC of another civilization thus avoiding the malus "You have a ship in our ZOC without an open border treaty", or to order the ship to work around an enemy combat zone.
Rally Point 01
Rally Point 02
Rally Point 03
Rally Point 04
Command: Guard
A ship command can also be added to the list.
In the example, the ship command is automatically set to "Guard" at "Rally Point 4".
Perhaps for more flexibility, allow to add some orders to the list.
Rally Point 01
Rally Point 02
Rally Point 03
Rally Point 04
Order: Cycle
The ship will go first to "Rally Point 01", then "Rally Point 02", "Rally Point 03", "Rally Point 04", and next go to "Rally Point 01", then "Rally Point 02", etc.
This permanently.
Rally Point 01
Rally Point 02
Rally Point 03
Rally Point 04
Order: Bounce
The ship will go first to "Rally Point 01", then "Rally Point 02", "Rally Point 03", "Rally Point 04", and next go to "Rally Point 03", "Rally Point 02", "Rally Point 01" "Rally Point 02", etc.
This permanently.
Those ones (Cycle, Bounce) to allow to set "Patrol ship/fleet", along a border or round the territory.
Rally Point 01
Rally Point 02
Rally Point 03
Rally Point 04
Order: Cycle
Repeat: 3
The same as before, but only 3 times instead of permanently, and then ask for directive ("Ship Idle" button)(the list is conserved, so the player does not have to redo it, and he can erase/change the list).
Rally Point 01
Rally Point 02
Rally Point 03
Wait: 4
Rally Point 04
Order: Cycle
Repeat: 3
A "Wait" order can be added to add delay.
In the example, the ship waits 4 turns at "Rally Point 3" before moving to "Rally Point 4".
***** Added 03/12/2015. Start.*****
6) Add the possibility to add a rally point to a ship type in the designer, and to each task in the shipyard.
When the player designs/selects a ship in the designer he can also add a rally point to the ship.
So each ship of this type built in all his shipyards is automatically send to this rally point when built.
The player can add a rally point to each construction task in the shipyard. So, each ship/fleet (task) in the shipyard can be send to a different rally point (only if the shipyard has no rally point already set, see priority below).
Rally point priority.
Just like the "Ship command priority" (see point "3" above).
In all cases, the rally point on the map has the highest priority, then the rally point (setting) in the shipyard (task), then the rally point (setting) in the designer (ship).
***** Added 03/12/2015. End.*****