Just wanted to ask if were will have closed borders as a default setting or will it be a technology we can research. Is closed borders even possible. I've never liked the AI wandering into my territory. It should work like Civ 4-5
If it works like Civ 4-5, then it makes the game essentially a huge landmass with very few features, not a space game. Space is very open and porous, and it is huge compared to the stars/planets that occupy it. Rigid borders do not make any sense. The provision of a diplomatic penalty for ships in the wrong SOI (as is currently implemented) is reasonable but probably needs balancing, like everything else. Such a provision makes sense because one may be able to use sensors/telescopes etc. to notice the intrusion. But space is too big to establish a front line and guard it.
Things like increasing maintenance while in another system SOI, or while getting beyond a certain distance from a friendly star system suggest themselves. perhaps.
But in Civ a big idea was to find choke points and block them. That tactic is for ground based games with terrain. A star game lends itself to more of a "strong point" system, and to provision for self-sufficiency for a system or a small group of systems, or other ideas along the same lines. It also creates a real purpose for things like sensors. You really can't patrol it but you can watch it and respond accordingly. Putting more ship capacity into engines thus also is encouraged. And so on.
Galciv has some things in common with other 4x games. But if it is going to be a space game, it needs to be qualitatively different from land based games. I might add that the Beyond Earth Civ 5 expansion is not a space game, which to me caused me to lose interest. It's just Civ 5 on another terrain/barbarian setting. Some may like it, to each their own. Personally, I want a space game to reflect something about the nature of space.