Well the party is almost over for you humans.
I’ve never hidden the fact that I consider human beings playing my AI a necessary evil. I need your money to fund my AI work.

This time around, I’ve got a talented young developer working with me. He makes me feel old. Very. Very old.
A lot has changed over the past 20 years. It is still technically C++ but it’s all very different from what it used to be.
Example code //GalCiv III: Example code tags a planet as a potential target.
FixedDecimal militaryPower = GetInterface<IStat>(*it)->GetStat(StatTypes::FactionPower, StatUsages::Actual);
CBasicGameObject* pClosestPlanet = NULL;
ULONG closestDistance = ULONG_MAX;
const ObjectPtrList& ownedPlanets = GetInterface<IGC3Player>(*it)->GetOwnedPlanets();
for(auto planetIt = ownedPlanets.Begin(); planetIt != ownedPlanets.End(); ++planetIt)
TilePair planetPos = GetInterface<IBasicGameObject>(*planetIt)->GetTilePosition().tile;
BOOL isPlanetInRange = CGalaxy::GetInstance()->GetRangeSystem().IsWithinFleetRangeValue(m_pPlayer, planetPos.posX, planetPos.posY, rangeToUse);
ULONG planetDistance = CWorldSpace::HexDistance(capitalPos, planetPos);
if(planetDistance < closestDistance)
closestDistance = planetDistance;
pClosestPlanet = (*planetIt);
if(pClosestPlanet && militaryPower < weakestPower)
weakestPower = militaryPower;
pWeakestPlayer = (*it);
pTargetPlanet = pClosestPlanet;
//GalCiv II: I wrote this to control a transport
//* AIFindTransportDestination
//* Purpose:
//* Find a planet for a transport to go to
BOOL classCivilization::AIFindTransportDestination(PclassStarShip pShip)
if(pShip->IsInFleet() && !pShip->IsFleet()) return false;
//Preliminaries: Wait for escorts
if(pShip->HasDestination() && pShip->IsOrbiting() == FALSE && !pShip->GetAttack() && !AIHostilesInSector(pShip->GetSectorID()) && g_pGalaxy->GetDistanceFromFriendlyPlanet(QueryID(),pShip->GetTileX(),pShip->GetTileY())<SECTOR_SIZE && pShip->ulTransportWaitTurns<5)
return false;
//Preliminaries: Wait for escorts
if(pShip->IsOrbiting() == FALSE && !pShip->GetAttack() && !AIHostilesInSector(pShip->GetSectorID()) && g_pGalaxy->GetDistanceFromFriendlyPlanet(QueryID(),pShip->GetTileX(),pShip->GetTileY())<SECTOR_SIZE && pShip->ulTransportWaitTurns<5)
return false;
//Step #0: Let's see if there are hostiles near by..
if(AIHostilesInSector(pShip->GetSectorID()) && pShip->GetAttack()<10 && !pShip->IsOrbiting())
PclassStarShip pEnemy = pShip->FindClosestLocalEnemyShip(0);
if (pEnemy && pShip->GetTurnsAway(pEnemy->GetTileX(),pEnemy->GetTileY()) < 2 && pEnemy->GetAttack() > pShip->GetAttack())
return TRUE;
//Step #1: Let's see if there's another undefended planet in sector.
PclassPlanet pPlanet = AIFindUndefendedEnemyPlanet(pShip->GetSectorID());
if(pPlanet && (!AIHostilesInSector(pPlanet->GetSectorID()) || pShip->GetAttack()>8))
pShip->pPlanetDestination = pPlanet;
return true;
//Step #2: Let's see where they're currently going.
pPlanet = pShip->pPlanetDestination;
if(pPlanet && ulIntelligence<40)
if(pPlanet->IsDefended() == FALSE && GetRelationsWith(pPlanet->GetOwner()) == AT_WAR)
return true;
if(pPlanet->IsDefended() == TRUE || (AIHostilesInSector(pPlanet->GetSectorID()) && !pShip->GetAttack()) )
//Step #3: Let's look at our primary sector focus and use that.
if(this->AIulSectorFocuses[0] != INVALID_SECTOR_FOCUS)
ULONG ulSectorsToFocusOn = this->GetNumSectorFocuses();
for (ULONG ulIndex = 0; ulIndex<ulSectorsToFocusOn; ulIndex++)
ULONG ulSectorID = this->AIulSectorFocuses[ulIndex];
pPlanet = AIFindUndefendedEnemyPlanet(ulSectorID);
BOOL bHostilesInSector = false;
bHostilesInSector = this->AIHostilesInSector(pPlanet->GetSectorID());
if(this->ulIntelligence<50 || pShip->GetAttack()>5 )
bHostilesInSector = false;
if(pPlanet && pPlanet->ulAIInvadersAssigned[QueryID()]<4 && !bHostilesInSector )
pShip->pPlanetDestination = pPlanet;
return true;
//Step #4: Let's see if there are other planets to deal with.
//Note that we won't go over to sectors with undefended planets
//IF there are enemy ships in there
pPlanet = pShip->FindClosestUndefendedEnemyPlanet(0);
if(pPlanet && (AIHostilesInSector(pPlanet->GetSectorID() == FALSE || pShip->GetAttack()>0)))
pShip->pPlanetDestination = pPlanet;
return true;
//Step #4: We're AT the Rally Point
PclassRallyPoint pOnRallyPoint = this->FindNearestRallyPoint(pShip->GetTileX(),pShip->GetTileY());
if(pOnRallyPoint && pOnRallyPoint->GetDistanceInTiles(pShip) == 0)
//Step #5: What if there are hostiles here? Let's retreat
if(this->AIHostilesInSector(pShip->GetSectorID() && !pShip->GetAttack()))
return false;