In world war two there were different generations of planes fighting next to each other. This is because there were so many planes being produced they didn't have time to test them.
As far as randomized tech if you haven't heardI think is a bad idea.
Galactic civilization is into the idea of tech specialization, so ideas on this are constructive.
As far as tactical combat which this thread is not about, before this game came out they very clearly said this game is not about. I can argue stradegy vs tactical till I'm blue in the face. The problem is Paul feels this game is not about. Personally I feel tactics does none thingto gameplay. Which I repeat doesn't make a game better or worse. Even after this grim announcement about tactics. They didn't calm down, but kept argueing for tactics with limited success. This is where options for combat came in.
I love the idea for picking one tech excludes one or two others.
Multiple customised tech trees maybe all the custom tech trees different from the stock factions.
I would like to add multiple paths to one tech.
I like the idea of splitting up points along research patwhere if you want to you could put all the points in one path. This could be changed throughout the game. How many points a path gets affect how fast you research a tech. You could add that the points affect how good the tech is.
I like the idea of combining tech research. You could have techs that could only be researched this way. Affected my how many are researching together, and the factions. When applicable the most primitive civilization would dictate the techs when the tech were on the tree. Meaning to pull this off you may have to research techs others have to catch. This is not always applicable when the tech is not in domes research path due to tech specialization. Besides what I mention the tech you research could only come from one of the parties involved. What I'm talking about is it has to be the next tech to be researched in some one's path. This would either and, require a research treaty or alliance.
This idea sparked the previous idea which was to be able to suggest that a faction to research a tech. To do this the tech would either be the next tech in your tree, or in theirs. If bothTech's exist in both tree's then the guys researching the tech would have advanced enough to where it is the next tech in their tree. This either and, require a research treaty or alliance.
The idea of sharing sparked an idea in rudy of sharing production. His idea was lending someone edtra production points which would be minused from you. I just came up with an idea of lending economic points this would be aid. I guess you could help someone with research. Now my idea was to build units for someone they might pay you for wages. This would require an economic treaty or an alliance
Lets say we had a free trade agreemen it wouldn't give you a 10% economic increase, unless your economy was less than the trade partner. It would probably do the opposite if your economy is better. In whoever had the better economy businesses would start closing down, and opening up in the lesser economy. Market centers would start increasing in the greater economy while factories and entertainment buildings would start closing down in the greater economy. Banks and stock exchanges would increase in the greater economy. Due to investments from the lesser economy. There should be a resource sharing. In the lesser economy banks, market centers, entertainment buildings, and factories would increase. Among other reasons due to outsourcing from the greater economy. This is more like free trade than what distant worlds.
Also inspired from the idea of sharing tech research and races having different tech trees is the cold war which is very different from what endless space came up with. Instead of attacking people in nuetral territory. When diplomacy reaches a hostile level , and when you have enough espionage when we get that system. The one who is hostile gets a different kind of units than normal when they research the tech. The units came about from spying to counter the units of the civilization who you are hose idea for custtile against. This would apply also with war.
Customsized tech trees. You could make your own tree. You could just pick techs, but more probable would be trees from a pot of everyone's Tech's. There would have to be a limit on both tree's, and how many Tech's you can have. How I would come up with this is use the average of all the Tech's of everyone. Now to make this idea more work able as you pick techs, or tree's this would eliminate other's.
That idea sparked an idea inside of me to pick my starting techs from a number of tevhs for major factions. This could be left likethis or, connected to different starting trees. The above idea, also inspired exclusive tech idea.
I like the other ideas for specialized techs for different factions. I would like to hear more please no randomized tech picking, unless it is an option I can shut off.
Anotheridea I just remembered is private sector research where both the government and private sector do research. This inspired the idea where different factions the private sector would research differently.
About the idea where the governmentdoesn't do research. Tell that to NASA. There's another I don't know the name. Tell that to everyone we have a defence contract with. Where part of a team of international scientists. That is in our economy other ones take a more active role.
I support the governor system more for the late game to may not useit, so please keep this optional, and make it where I can make changes globally, so I only have to change this once. It would be better to have both a global, and on a planet basis in game options. Micomanageing is not a problem for me. I just don't like how they have the colony setup. A better idea would be to have it like civilization, or call to power city screen. With similar citizen management. Using things like resources and population caps and approval for class. Endless space did not do citizen management right.
I like the idea of right clicking menus to run a planet.