I played the Yor a bit and right now I feel the high granularity of their population growth breaks the experience. You only need 1 hammer to grow 0.2 pop a turn constantly. That is a pretty good investment return. By contrast, to get to +0.4 pop a turn you need to pump up quite a bit of factory output. As a result I never want t put more than 1 hammer on pop growth.
I feel that if the hammer/growth ratio was more linear I would feel much more inclind to play them.
Interesting, I did not know that was the break even point & just went with either 100% or 50/50 manufacturing/research
I had not thought to actually see where it fell, but in all honesty, like Jorrrrrn also saw, yor that last till turn 120-200ish in me experience suddenly slide from "not too far from the biological linear for various reasons" to freaking logarithmic/exponential in all things, but I've seen pop growth projects under non-synthetic life race tech trees so it might just be a case of never being forced to rely on it *shrug*. If making the 0.2 go higher were easy it would take away the micromanaging potential handicap & make things too easy
I started mine on a serious late-game arc, snatching up colonies in the initial land grab and then alternating between construction of improvements and Assembly and then more improvements.
Had the usual diplomatic problems that you see with the Yor getting ganged up on, but... industrial output and research went on such a ridiculous trajectory that nobody had much to say about it by around Turn 200. The Altarians and Terrans were assimilated, and we can finally rule in relative peace and quiet.
It's a nice combination of economics and military strategy into a single playthrough.
1010/1010 (10/10) Would Definitely Assimilate Again
I've done a number of games as yor & it generally seems that around turn 100-150ish (depending on turn <100 distractions) that yor find their stride... and oh god is it a stride when bolstered by tourism. Granted, there isn't much non-synthetics can do to match it in some ways, but I think that yor (or a yor-like minor race) have the potential to keep long games in very large galaxies away from that "I know how this will end" stagnation.
One of the things that strikes me most is just how hard (as far as I can tell)it is to stab tourism income. Every other income source has some diplomatic method of attacking it to varying degrees while tourism's foil is attacking planets to kill. For reasons already stated, I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing & presume (I freaking hope!)espionage will gave some planetary pop stabbies in its quiver.
I think one of the most interesting factors in the makeup of the yor's quiver is the fact that they are superficially so badly suited for a diplomatic/influence victory race & just average(?) for military going by the bonus's alone that you pretty much get forced to use very heavy amounts of it all and can't really aim towards any one of them for the first 100+ turns .
On the plus side, I suspect that much of anything done to affect that turn 100-200+ rocketship might make the first 50-100 turns an almost uncrossable rubicon. with the limited AI right now, that might change later.
Took me A minute to get what you were asking. I think you are asking about the yor factory upgrade bug fix & ideology lock hackishfix that sidesteps it? Those are the only two outright "fixes", everything else has been experimental tweaking of things like research speed & such so not "fixes" perse. Changing starspread from 0 to 2-3ish(higher=even closer)is a preference thing(I like 2:) where people can find their own happy points. I'm not positive what exactly you are asking though?
Ah I see so most of it was things you tweaked yourself, how would you tweak them under the normal settings if you had access to their behavior/statistics. Anything else in the core files or settings, that we cannot see directly as feedback? It sounds like you know them inside out is all.
I'll start another thread later on this