Hello guys and very good job on this beta version so far - this is very promising!
I have a few questions, sorry if some have already been adressed:
1) is it possible to have some more informations on a planet directly on the map (time left for current completion, etc.) without having to hover for the tooltip, or go to the mini list for this ?
2) espionnage -> I don't know how it will be implemented, but currently I find it cheesy to be able to trade anything (so we can exactly know everything about the other civs - maybe this would only be possible if we can diplomatically "open our techs for you to view") and while exploring we just have to read the planet tooltips to know what the opponents are doing there ?
3) pirates -> I really don't like the CIVs system for pirates, so for GC3 I'd like to have them as a minor race without planets, wandering and salvaging around the galaxy - we could talk with them, buy them, bribe them to attack other civs (guerilla), etc
4) in the diplomacy screen, when you're finished with a civ, we come back to the main menu instead of going back to the diplomacy screen
5) please, add the current build progression of every shipyard directly in the mini-list, instead of having to select them
6) Governments -> will it work the same way as GC2, or do you have something else in mind ?
BTW, thanks to all the team for this weekly meeting, this is really a great idea...