More Beta 2 Feedback (turn 146)
Before you read the additional comments, please know that I AM having fun and I DO like the direction the game is going. The Dev team have done a great job!
(Playing on Huge map as Terrans)
Way too easy. I know this will be balanced in future patches. I prefer the GC2 model where other races are reluctant to trade early in the game.
I can use the information on the diplomacy screen to gain WAY too much intel on my opponents (number and types of ships, colonies, etc.). I would prefer a lot less knowledge until some level of espionage is attained. Then, after achieving that level of espionage, they would tell you “How did you find out about that? Well, okay, we DO have these other [colonies, ships, starbases, etc.] we might be willing to trade.”
I found some of the options (i.e. Exploration Treaty) a little confusing. Are they mutual treaties (it appears so)? I would prefer the Civilization model where each side would give up the treaty element (i.e. both sides have to give open borders for it to be mutual; same with exploration and the other treaties, except non-aggression pact). [Edit] So most are individual, just like Civ V. Wasn't immediately obvious. I'm hoping non-aggression pact is mutual, because I found you can get a lot of stuff by offering it.
When using the Govern/Commands menu, updating what is building in the shipyards does not update the entire queue, only the ship currently being built. [-Edit] No, it's actually adding a ship to the queue, which is not what I was expecting. I wish the ships would auto-upgrade in the construction queue like they did in GC2.


The minimap colors for the Kyrnn and the Iridium look too similar.
Colonizing is currently a free-for-all just like GC 2. Because peace is the default relation (I think it should be race dependent whether to start at peace or war to spice up the game), I threw caution to the wind and just built colony ships until everything was taken (mostly by me).
Influence is too powerful. Following the benevolence ideology (and because I’m colonizing twice the number of planets as the other powers), I was able to get the +100 influence bonus fairly quickly, leverage that in the United Planets to get the HQ which increased my influence another +50% and I’m now converting worlds (3 so far with another 4 soon) too easily. I personally dislike influence victories—they’re boring. Even though I haven’t selected the influence victory condition, at this rate I might convert most of the galaxy.
Relics are overpowered. +500% modifier is too much in the early game. +50% would be better, and could be improved with new modules/techs as the game progresses.
I'll provide more comments as I continue to play.
Thanks again!