This is just a quick bit of feedback in regards to the way the Turn indicators currently work for ship movement.

Having played a few games now, I've found that I'm consistently disliking the way the turn indicators "move" in tandem with the moving ship itself.
What I mean by this is that the Green bracket for 1 turn updates in real time with ship movement. This leads to visually confusing situations where all ships on the map, whether moved or not, all display the same movement indicators (as in, all display the green [1]), making it impossible to read what ships have yet to move in a turn on the fly.
I can generally remember what ships I have moved, however I've not played a game on a huge or immense map yet and with many ships queuing movement, I see the visual confusion leading to frustration.
Even now on smaller maps with less ships, while not frustrating, it's visually annoying. I prefer the system present in GC2 where the movement indicator would show how far you could move in a turn, but upon completing your turn's movement, the ship would be resting at the start of the Yellow [2] bracket, instantly showing what ships had completed their movement and where waiting for the next turn (at which point the indicator would update).
It's pretty minor, but it's literally my biggest niggle with GC3 currently.