Well, if I'm being honest, I didn't find the ethics techs beyond the first one to be terribly useful and I would never aim to build a Temple of X as part of my strategy.
The Temple weren't what I was after. I was thinking more of the MCC, the No Mercy(!) Invasion Center, and the Artificial Slave Center from the Evil side, and the Empathic Tactical Center from the Good side (the Hall of Empathy isn't that great). Or just the Secret Police Center, which everyone could get.
In that respect, the Altarians and Drath at least have something interesting (to me, at least) going on.
The Altarians for sure. The Drath, however, like I said, only get Creative Good as a replacement for Good and Evil, Concepts of Righteousness, Concepts of Malice, and Balanced Vision.
As for Terror Stars, well, I guess it depends on what is a balanced amount of defence and military assistance. Bear in mind, the maintenance on that sucker is, so far as I know, going to stay at the standard 5bc a week. So, enough to spank some X-Wings, I guess?
I was thinking the equivalent power of the first two Starbase Militarization techs. So, +10 attack and +20 defence to the Terror Star, and +3 to the attack and defence of the ships in the area. It's not much, they still need an escort, but they are at least no longer sitting ducks for any pea shooter in the area.
There does seem to be something wrong with the AI not researching terraforming. Those are usually very useful technologies. I think perhaps they are a tad bit overpriced and thus they simply fall to the bottom of the pile as far as the AI is concerned.
Yes, I'm going to try lower costs for them (especially Habitat Improvement and Terraforming), and see if that helps. If not, then I'm going to changed the Category to Biology. The AIs usually have no trouble going for that.
Edit: Also, after trying twice to get the video to upload from my editor, I did it the olf-fashioned way, export to file and then upload. You can see it here.
Nice. I'm going to watch it later. Still have a lot of work to do today.
And the Krynn DO have a spammable morale improvement - the basic Entertainment Center is available at the beginning of the game off of Industrial Revolution: +10% morale for 1bc. They don't need anything else.
Not anymore. Industrial Revolution providing access to the Entertainment Network didn't make sense to begin with, but it also gave access to the building to races, who have no way to improve it. So I changed the tech requirement to give the Entertainment Network only to races who can make full use of it: Arceans, Korx, Minors, and Terrans. Well, the DL too, but they don't build it. Plus, the EN just made no sense for the Krynn. I simply can't picture those religious nuts sitting on a couch and watching TV all day.
Leave the Tech Victory things alone. The whole point of them is to get the Tech Victory, so they "give" victory conditions.The whole point of owning them is to get you closer to victory, so no "bonus" is needed.
The Drengin, Korath, Krynn, Thalan, and Torians, already get bonuses from those techs (or their equivalents). So, should I just remove those, because the "real" bonus is winning the game? Also, what about games where the Tech Victory is disabled? You can bet the AI will still research those techs. Shouldn't it at least get some benefit from doing so, instead of it being just a big waste of time?
Also, there seems to be a disconnect between what the techs say they do, and what the techs actually do. They all say that you uncover the great truths about life, the universe, and everything. That you develop great powers, due to that knowledge. Yet, as far as the game is concerned, your race is still the same. There is no difference between it, and a race that hasn't researched those techs. That's immersion breaking to me.
I'd go a different path with the military stuff - move the Particle Beam from Space Weapons to Beam Weapon Research.
Already done.
Also, it seems that the "Theory" techs are used by the AI to determine which major line of weaponry and defense will be researched.
Not as far as I can tell. The Thalan don't have access to those techs, and they have no problems researching weapons and defences. In the vanilla game, the Altarians and Drath don't have access to them either, but they also have no problem. Well, except for the Altarians general problem with researching weapons.
My feelings on this is just add another 1pp economic improvement for them instead.
Move the Efficiency Center from Efficiency Studies 3 to 2 (and lower the maint to 1bc), then add another Super-Efficiency Center (+25% econ, +2bc) as a 1pp at Efficiency Studies 4.
The AI has trouble dealing with all those must-have 1pps. This is the biggest reason why I reduced their number. There is just no guarantee that the AI will have enough space on its planets to build those 1pps. And even if it did, it might decide to not build them after all, despite those 1pps having a high AI value. For example, the Recruiting Center and the Orbital Command Center both have a AI value of 1000. Yet, the AI doesn't build the former, while it drags its heels in building the latter.
In other words, I disagree with this idea.
I don't see anything in the tech that has such verbiage. I'm looking at TotA, and the tech says "Increases research on worlds through pain." That doesn't indicate a 1pp in any way.
Here is the full description of the tech:
"Drengin scientists have been bred for hundreds of generations to be researches that are motivated by pain being done unto themselves.
The scientific agony coordination grid is a one-of-a-kind (per planet) center that monitors the brain waves of every researcher on the planet and can induce the proper type of pain (there are so many types of agonies to choose from) to optimize the researcher's productivity.
As a result, planets with Agony Coordination Grids see a significant boost in the research being done in their labs."
Can you see it now?
I also seriously suggest removing the +5% research bonus from HyperMainframes from both races.
I went the other route, and gave that bonus to everyone instead. Fair is fair, right?
Yes, which is why I asked for everyone else's opinion regarding the matter. In any case, I changed the NLC into a 1pp for now. Just to test how that goes.
One question: what problems did you see with the Power Plant stuff, that necessitated removing all 3 and using just one?
This problem. Granted, it is rather rare, and the ability to fully trade the Power Plant techs alleviates it somewhat. However, I noticed it often enough to be concerned. Also, having access to the tech won't protect you from all ways the Power Plants could get destroyed. For example, they can also get destroyed by the effects of certain invasion tactics, or by the players themselves. Wouldn't it suck to not be able to re-build the Power Plant, just because the AI placed it on a bad spot, and you wanted to put it somewhere better?
The Navigation Centers were also affected by this. Which was even worse, because the Arceans rely on them to increase the speed of their ships. However, I already fixed the issue for them.