Am I crazy? I don't think so. I have reason and logic behind my thinking that farms and most of the farming tech is poor game design. Honestly the tile systems is bad mechanic too.
So let's look at why you want to keep farms in the game and as they are. Currently farms provide higher population and population drives everything. In my last game, which was about a month ago, to have a planet be really worth colonizing it had to have at least a population of 20 billion, that's not hard on a class 10 to 12 planet even early game but you are using a partial hex ring to get that most of the time, 1/3 to 1/4 of the planet is devoted simply to increasing the planet's population to useful levels. How is that fun?
Cropland in the US is about 1/5 of total use but food is a major US export, we feed a large portion of the world with a small fraction of the total land area of the world. To me its insane that a more advanced space faring civilization has to double or triple the amount of land needed to feed its population.
Now let's consider what I'm proposing. I will use Earth as an example, class 10 and home world. Earth should start with a population cap of 20 billion and the remaining food production techs just increase the population cap but don't require buildings. Growth rate should not be static either, it should be based on a few variables, like current pop, max pop, and planetary wealth, when there is a lot of empty space people have more kids and low wealth rates tend to mean more kits too but when a society becomes wealthy the growth rate drops to equilibrium or lower. The tile system is an abstraction already and never fully covers a planet, so why does so much area have to be devoted to that when food production generally requires space but only a few people, so why can't it be where your specialized manufacturing and research isn't?
By the time your ready to send your first interstellar craft most heavy industry should be in orbit anyway. By that point you're not using the mineral wealth of the planet but the asteroids mineral wealth and you only drop the stuff that's needed on the planet not send everything and send it back up at a high energy penalty. The problem with all that for the game is its overly complex so we build on the planet. Not arguing that, while I would like orbital manufacturing I'll concede the point for ease of game creation. What I will not concede is the need for the tile system, its too restrictive. Your industry is mostly in orbit, abstracted to being on the ground for ease of play and game creation but that also means that you have more space to build it.
I don't actually have the details of a better system that shows the player what they have created but still even with the adjacency and tile bonuses the tile system is a bad one. Why can't I find the space on the surface or in orbit to build all of my toys? Honestly I'd be happier with a list and some sort of "you have this much space to build all of your toys, optimize it how you like" system.