I think alot of these have already been suggested in one form form or another but here are my thoughts.
1. What specific features of diplomacy do you traditionally like the most? I want you to be as specific as you can be. Which parts of diplomacy from any game do you like the most? What parts do you remember long after playing the most?
Clear Feedback-
- The game StarDrive despite allot of the issues this game had, one thing i liked about it was the clear feedback it gave with its diplomacy.
When you speak to any race you could see their Trust, Anger and Fear towards you as meters. I wouldn't copy this exact visual feedback but it was really helpful to see exactly how my trades and conversations were affecting them. Another thing I liked, which is in a lot of other games such as Civ. Was the ability to ask races what their thoughts of other races were. Its helpful for better judging potential future alliances or wars with other races.
-When a civilization asks for help in a war, I normally don't want to give them techs to help so I just buy off the enemies. However it would be great if i could get some feedback from the race I just helped, I don't think they noticed that I even did that for them. Even a simple thank you would suffice
Realistic Treaties-
-Just like in real life, or in shows like star trek. You might have a research treaty with a nation or in this case race but under the rule that you wouldn't help with techs that make weapons or help conquest. So besides to normal research treaties it might be cool to have options like.
-No aggressive research treaty- gives bonus research to each other but only towards techs that aren’t weapons, for invading or similar.
-Weapon defense treaty- gives bonus research specifically to weapons and invading tech to each race.
United Planets –
-Buying Votes - Similar to how Civ 5 works, would be great buy Votes for upcoming UP, or being able to pre talk to similar aligned AI about it
EG: Talk to your AI Ally and say "hey, im voting to give you my vote next UP so dont vote for me or anyone else, you should vote for yourself" Or "vote for me and ill give you this"
- Would be great to have the ability to propose things that will be voted on. Evil races can propose evil things; good can propose good things, etc. I don’t so much like how it’s done in civ 5 as it basically just gave one person complete control over the whole system, but I’m guessing it could be balanced somehow in gal civ 3
-On the topic of the UP, one thing I found annoying when I was Role-playing a race in gal civ 2 was if I was truly evil race, aka if i was role playing the Borg, they wouldn't follow "rules"
It would be nice if there was a way to say "im not following the UP rules" but then it gives you some penalty/bonus for doing so. Following it gives you certain bonuses for being in the UP or you get other different set of bonuses for not being in it. The UP bonuses could even be voted on in game.
It also didn’t help that there seemed to be a lack of any evil things to vote on in the UP in gal civ 2(maybe I didn’t play it enough to notice). If you choose to be evil you would expect them to try and pass laws that make mayhem, that benefit there race over others. eg: the Drengin might propose to pass a evil tax (Planets with no slaves tax) or something actually funny.. That means all non-slave nations need to pay them 5bc a turn. These things could even create good or evil ideology points for everyone. Which means it gives a diplomatic way to try and coerce everyone to go to evil/good as they start to get extra points in one ideology that they might not have been initially following.
Open and closed Borders-
-I have read alot of people wanting an option to ask for open and closed borders. Like with Civ 5 and many others we need to option to give or revoke border travel to other races.
One slight problem i can see arising from this is that due to the nature of gal civ maps, where unlike civ 5 where your border never fully blocks off other races due to the ocean and because the map can scroll around on itself. You could get situations in gal civ where a race is completely blocked off from another race or the rest of the map due to not having border rights by the surrounding them with influence. This could be exploited by purposely blocking of a race at the start of the game preventing them from expanding. One fix I can think of is having a neutral zone.
-Neutral Zone - one hex on the edge of all borders that isn't owned by anyone (see pic) , all ships have free travel within these zones and it doesn’t count as an act of war. Would also give some interesting play styles with influence strong races. Likewise it would make the strategic map more interesting and dynamic for each play though, creating potential artificial bottle necks or strategic points on the map, similar how to black holes and nebulas could function.
-In Gal Civ 2 all you could do was surrender to them or wait around for them to decide to surrender to you or someone else. It would be nice to have the option to ask them to surrender to you as well. I can’t see them accepting it often but would be a nice option. Especially for a close ally that is nearly defeated by an enemy and you say "surrender to me and I’ll keep your people safe"
Tech Trade-
In some games I have played you can’t see all their tech at once when you first meet and trade with them, you have to get a really close relationship, make them fear you or have high enough espionage before you start seeing their stronger or unique techs for trade.
2. Looking back, how many turns do your favorite games last? This is important to know the specific number of turns the game in Question lasted.
Looking at all my old saves i found that between turn 300-400 was when i sort of gave up as i felt i was to strong that the challenge was all gone. This was on a medium size map with normal tech.
It’s kind of an arbitrary question as it’s based on both map size and tech speed, i think the question should be at what point of a game do you feel like stop playing, and why. Ideally you would want us to keep having fun and have longer games.
Which to answer that I would say I stopped when,
-I felt to strong and I was just in the cleanup stage.
-Once i had researched nearly everything of importance to my strategy and it gets stale as there was nothing new or worthwhile to aim for.
-In my opinion, there needs to be some major late game changes that both speed up the game and keep it fun, the wormholes around the galaxy would be one thing to cut down on the cleanup, which is going to be in a DLC hopefully.
I found it really frustrating near end game when it was basically a constant troop rush to clear up the galaxy of my enemies, what should normally be a progressively fast ending started to slow down and down as you kept getting more planets from your enemies, most of which had no buildings on it so were a major drain on the economy. So it ended up being take a few planets, wait X turns for them to build up so they don’t drain my economy, grab a few more, wait again, grab a few more planets, wait again. Meanwhile as I’m waiting around the Ai is taking random crappy planets I didn’t really want anyway but now I have to re-retake them just to remove them from the galaxy and end the game.
Basically we need some almost super tech that even know has its weaknesses and can be defended against, when you get to that point if you are super strong it lets you clear the map and finish the game faster. Random ideas could be:
Good - shield the planets in a system to keep nature as it was intended and no one can colonize it
Neutral – System defense system that prevents anything from being colonized in that system anymore.
Evil – Terror Star - destroy the System
3. Consider all The 4X strategy games that you have ever played. How do you define what is a good strategy game or a bad one? To you what makes one strategy game good and another one bad? Consider different memories you have of those games can you remember the parts that made you enjoy that game the most?
-Opponents with personality
- Races all play different and arnt just copy/pastes of each other with new skins.
-A race that might play completely different then any other race. A good example of this is in Stardrive the Opteris are a machine race that don’t eat food so farming is irrelevant, they eat production. It completely changes how you play the game. Also I LOVE the idea of powerful yet unique tech for each race that is distinctive. In this case the Opteris could use assimilation, they could invade a planet and gain the racial bonuses the other races had.
-Being able to play the same race in different ways each time. So not being locked into one play style with a race
- Being able to change my chosen victory path if I find its not working for me, without having to restart the whole game.
-Ai that doesn’t seem to be just making random unpredictable choices or feeling as if they are cheating.
-The game feeling and playing different each time you play.
-Games that give you the option to get and feel uber powerful. Not necessarily making you over powered, just things that make you feel powerful.
-the game continues to feel challenging but not impossible to beat.
-A game that keeps giving you interesting goals all the way though it besides your own made goals
-Battles seem repetitive and act the same no matter how much new tech you have.
-having strong abilities that feel almost useless because they may be slow to use, have boring conditions, ect
-Gal civ 2 specific- Losing your Troop ship when you take over a planet, it’s understandable when you colonize but it’s really annoying and time consuming to have to build tones of troop transports over and over. Wish you could keep their ships unless you fail the invasion.
-When you play a game and can’t properly judge how upgrades affect you overall. Either on a city by city bases or empire wide.
-When there is a lot of what feel like crap tech that you almost feel forced to research before you get to the good stuff.
-When good tech is arbitrarily placed in locations that make no sense, extreme example, but like if you have to research a weapon tech 4 times before a farm is unlocked or something random like that.
-A lot of games start out fun at the start and then by mid game start feeling repetitive, as if you have no goal, you colonize at the start. Then its like a waiting game to get tech for a 100 turns while you get yourself in a position to get into late game where you can win.