Under NO circumstance should tech strategy be LIMITED in a strategy game. It is not worth giving the AI help in this situation for what we would LOSE will be far to great.
I felt my OP and previous post has total OBLITERATED any argument for tech ages and was well spoken. I'm going to do a recap and if ANYTHING on the list you use or love doing you can no longer do, than the cost is to great:
-You CANNOT research the way you want.
- you are HAVE TO inevitably research something you don't want, thus wasting time.
- The difference between races strategies when tech trading is greatly DIMINISHED.
- You can go to the second age and still NOT be ready if you don't research in research techs. Which comes back to player choice, judgment, and strategy. (fun too.)
- You CAN'T specialize in a tech branch if you're ready or not for their are tech ages.
- With a CHEATING AI this game, our human edge is nerfed by the complete lack of crucial specialization.
- If only half of the techs have to be researched the first age why research the rest? If you didn't go in a particular area for your strategy then, why go into it now? Like in galciv2 something's you CHOOSE not to research because you didn't WANT to or NEED to.
Again, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should we be limited in strategic choices, its not FUN its not Sovereign.