This is a bit off your topic, but it is related: Support barely gets better as you research it, and it gets bigger which makes it more inconvenient to fit with other components. By effect/mass ratio after environmental support, which is a sizable 50% increase over life support, the next 3 upgrades are 7%, 4%, and 3% better then their previous version. As a point of comparison, the first 3 sensor improvements are 33%, 20%, and 46% better then their predecessor and the first four beam upgrades are 82%, 38%, 38%, and 29% better. Right now it really doesn't make much sense to go down the support tech line.
EDIT: So after posting this I though, "Well support doesn't really get more space efficient as you go up the tree, maybe it gets more cost efficient." Nope. In fact, upgrading from environmental support to stellar support is the only one that doesn't make it more expensive in terms of maintenance cost/range.