I'm playing my first game with .4 on a large map. Wow this is slow game play. Own 12 planets currently and getting tired of hitting the end turn button.
Found two neighbors. All the map I can reach is explored. Started building combat ships as they have a few on their front lines. Even after cranking my ship building, still takes 3 turns to build a small, weak combat ship. Then another 7 to 8 turns to get it to my front line.
It takes so many turns to get ships across any distance. Combat ship speed is ridiculously slow at 4 hexes per turn. My fastest ship is 6 hexes per turn. Researched Ion drive. That boosts my ship speed to 7 hexes. Woohoo! Problem is my combat ships are too small reasonably to fit it. I should research the next larger ship size? Large scale construction is down the one research branch. Lots of research, at the sacrifice of other needed research. Lots of build time probably too.
I've played many 4x games. Getting tired of hitting the end turn button is a new experience.