Now on to the topic of desirability of movement for starbases
As I said before I'm all for it and here are the reasons why...
1) First and foremost is that there is a cap in the number of starbases you can have/support at any one time!!!
I found this out when I played game on a large map with no habitable planets... I used starbases to extend my influence/boarders and I also attempted to monopolize the resources... when I attempted to build one starbase too many, I could not... I had the constructor but the constructor would not transform into a starbase... turns out that I had insufficient 'logistics'!
I have not checked if starbase logistics is linked to fleet logistics, at this time I think they are different caps but both related to the logistic techs... (and I don't know if starports count against the starbase cap, but I'm assuming so) if so then the cap(s) can be raised...
2) Next, starbases are used to mine resources, what if certain (if not all) resources are exhaustible!!
The underling assumption of 'build it, park it, use it' for the lifetime of the game is now a fallacy... moving to the next closest resource becomes a very valid strategy (if it were available)...
3) Finally, constructors are relatively more expensive in gc iii than in gc ii, constructors now are equal in cost to a colony ship!
So even though it appears that it takes fewer constructors to upgrade a gc iii starbase to equivalent functionality as a gc ii starbase it is probably just as expensive (or even more)... therefor, a more economical strategy for deploying starbases may be to build -> use -> move -> reuse rather than build / use then repeat or the even more wasteful build -> use -> destroy -> build -> use.
Put those three new 'wrinkles' together makes moveable starbases very desirable in my eyes.
For those who feel that warp travel should not be in the base starbase feature set - well can we do "there's a 'module' for that" deal, where the starbase module deploys additional structural integrity and a warp drive?
Besides, no self respecting emperor bent on galactic domination that I know would pass up the chance to build a 'deathstar', or a 'basestar', or a 'battlestar' (which is, imho, nothing more than a super carrier) in addition to all the carriers, battleships, etc. that the empire could support
Bet they don't ask, what am I going use this for before they build it - they just build it and use it for what they use everything for... galactic domination
Here's to me being the first in MY galaxy to get one
-David S.