Can't wait to see what you are bringing on this fine day.
Edit: Here are some questions...
There has been some discussion on the forums about the Borders of each civilization. The sphere (blob) of influence being seen as your territorial border vs. a cultural border. Are there going to be any changes on how Galactic Civilization is going to deal with the borders?
In regards to the shipyards, are there still more models being added to each of the civilization pieces?
The last video showed up some of the new tech tree. Will there be tech tree automation? In other words, can I just set the computer to choose the research options for me, if I so choose.
The models for equipment that can be attached to the ships is great, but will there be a way of changing these models from within game? What options do we have to hide these particular equipment attachments to the ships? (Could there be a hide piece option or do we have to cover it up.)
I know the AI is a little ways off (and kind of early), but has the ability to play multiplayer in the office been helpful in creating strategies for the AI?