Thank you, I will download this as soon as I get home and treasure it always!(or at least until Gal Civ 4 becomes a reality.)
I'll name the first one I build in every multiplayer game the "(ship prefix here) Turiel" in honor of you. Also saving that great .gif.
I've started a version of this ship myself after your request on Steam Cielo. Give me a few days. I think you will like the results.
Thanks, I'd love to have it too!
I may have accidentally mistaken you and TurielD on the forum and steam as the same person, sorry about that little hiccup.
Despite the embarrassment, I promise to love both designs will probably have one with focus on (phasers) beams and the other focus on (photo torpedos) missiles. I will probably name yours "(ship prefix here) Trekker" in honor of you StarTrekGuy in multiplayer.
I guess I owe to show some of my new designs in thanks for my request being fulfilled:
My first design is a canard design trade/executive transport shuttle built to resemble a private business jet inspired greatly by the Beechcraft Starship:

My second design is my first attempt at making a versatile mecha design. To be used for mining, escorting larger ships and breaching enemy carriers. It has an animated spinning drill, a shielded bazooka, over the shoulder missile pods and several thrusters. This is no direct influence to this design, however I tried to base it off ancient Roman legionaries and centurions clad in segmented armor(Lorica Segmenta) or armed with a board like shield(scutum) with short sword(gladius):

Also, a question: Does this make this the request ship design thread as well as the share ship design thread? Because I can think of 2-3 ships from other series like Star Wars or Mass Effect to request if anyone's willing.