did someone say SHIP THREAD?!?!
(yes, I may or may not spend 70% of my GCIII time just dicking around in the editor)
I made several ships for the Terrans while playing the campaign. first up, Tiny ships, AKA Strike craft.
first up, the Seriphem Fighter, a mean little thing I usually arm with beam weapons:

and its cousins, the missile/kinetic hybrid Grigori Bomber;

and the usually kinetic-armed Cherubim Fighter:

next up, Small Ship Corvettes!
first up, my support ship, usually equipped with things like Survey modules, sensor systems, and the various Fleet Booster modules that don't need the rare resources, the Herald Corvette is distictive due to its foreward 'shield':

secondly, the backbone of my patrol fleets, armed with a mix of all three weapon types, the Artemis class Attack Corvette is a fearsome foe to any raiding fleet:

on to Capital ships!
first up, my most common capital, produced in vast numbers, the Galahad Frigate! capable of being armed with a wide varity of weapons systems, the most common variants feature heavy beam armament or beams backed by missiles, a potent combination that makes the Galahad shine:

and lastly, becuase I liked the stock Large and Huge ships just fine, we have the big boy.
presenting the heavy fleet command battleship, Dreadnought Weight, the Templar Dreadnought!

while ususally lightly armed for a ship of its size, the Templar typically mounts a pair of hanger bays and a large number of support modules that make it disproportionately deadly when leading a fleet. Rare, even more powerful variants boasting advanced support modules and heavy Elerium beam weapons have been sighted. when a Templar enters the field, retreat is advised.