I have been going through the pages the last few days checking out everyones designs and I have to say there are some absolutely outstanding ones out there, but everyone seems to be at a really good standard. That being said, it makes it a bit off putting posting my own designs but I have decided to bite the bullet and go for it.
First i'll give you a bit of backstory of what will be my custom race(my knowledge of GC lore is next to non-existent so if anything I write is wrong, or even if all of it is, any help or feedback would be appreciated):
The discovery of not being alone in the world caused many of the worlds religions to fracture and mutate. It drove a steak into the heart of the belief system of many, causing them to reassess everything they believed. After years of many feeling broken and lost, a man called Bran stepped forward claiming to be a prophet. He said that he had been spoken to in a dream and told that the old Celtic druids were in fact not human, but visitors from a distant planet.
Bran went on to explain that the druids had crashed on Earth and altered their true form to blend in with the Celtic tribes. Years of cross breeding eventually bred out any sign of the druid DNA, but Bran was told returning to the druid homeworld of Albion would reawaken any of those who descended from them. Many mocked Bran but with people needing something to believe in, his followers soon grew into large numbers. The majority of them came from the Celtic and Gaulic nations of Europe, with the other regions of the globe not believing in his words.
A full year after his initial vision, Bran was spoken to again, this time a set of specific coordinates told him exactly where Albion was. His followers rejoiced at the news and within a week all had sold their possessions and donated the money to the purchase of a colony ship, equipment, tools and anything else they would need. Together they would depart for what they viewed as their homeworld. Just over 1.5 million people boarded the colony ship, leaving Earth behind. Brans last words broadcast on television were, "We seek our homes, we seek the truth and we will be back to bring you salvation...We are the Knights of Albion..."
The years passed by until finally their colony ship reached the coordinates. A lush planet with three moons was visible through the main viewing window on the bridge, causing many to break down crying. As the announcement was made cheers echoed throughout the entire colony ship, they had arrived. The cheers were short lived though, sensors returned news that the only lifesigns were of indiginous animals. There were details of large cities shown, however they contained no life. As the realisation set in that the druid race had gone, Bran ordered the mission continue. Preparations were completed hastily and planetfall was made.
As most began to settle into the new colonies homes, Bran felt pulled into a nearby jungle. It was almost as if his heart was being pulled through his chest, leading him deeper and deeper beneath the green canopy. The jungle became so thick that light ceased to penetrate the vast amount of leaves above, but Bran did not fear, he was a prophet, he would be safe amidst the horrifying growl and cries of the darkness. It felt as if he walked for days before the darkness broke, revealing a pyramid in a large clearing. The sides were black, almost synthetic in appearance, with a staircase leading to doorway towards the top. Bran rushed up the stairs, his chest hurting from the pull on his heart. When he cleared the doorway at the top he was greeted by the voice from his dreams. "You are home Bran... you have brought your brothers and sisters home..." The voice continued to talk to Bran, telling him of their ordeal at the hands of a dark evil, an evil with no name. It wiped out the planets population, but not before they made a last ditch attempt to save their legacy.
The voice directed Bran to a console at the far end of the room. "Bran, we have been watching Earth since our grandfathers crash landed there. They chose to stay, to help try and guide you. Ultimately they fell to your ways and knowledge of Albion became mythical tales. This console houses the entire history of our people, study it and apply it to your own life going forward." The voice continued on in that vein before finally reaching its final point. "On the far left you will see a groove, if you and your people wish to realise your full potential, place your hand there...good luck Bran...our people now live through you."
Without hesitation Bran put his hand into the groove. The pyramid became wrapped in a blinding light, spreading out across the entirety of the planet. When the light disappated, the colonists had reached their goal and ascended to the form of their anscestors.
Any and all comments are welcome.
Anyway, onto the ships below:

I was trying to create a somewhat distinctive design that will be shared across all ships of all sizes. Cwm Annwn means the hounds of the otherworld and is representative of how the interceptors doggedly hunt for their prey. They have varying outfittings but the overall design stays the same.

I thought id try something different in terms of revealing the map and this is what I came up with. It has that many sensors it reveals the entirety of the maps i've played on with it so far. I'm going to do a bit of research and find out the sweet spot and then after that if there is any mass left, i'll invest in some defences. It has no propulsion, weapons, defences or life support as it stands. I simply plonk it next to my home planet with some ships for protection.

This started with me messing about but the more I went into it the better I felt about it. The design isn't final, i'm going to look at bulking it up a bit and try and sort out the overlapping, but for the most part, i'm pretty happy with it.
As with anything, I welcome all comments, good or bad.