lol I'm being trolled, but why the hell not?
All of you are rephrasing my factual statements into your own arguments. Sad and stupid. I have been really clear and yet some of you seem to have lost the topic and are ranting on about the magnificence of nature.
It relates directly into your arguments. Accusing someone of creating a strawman argument when they have not is in fact the actual strawman fallacy.
1. ParagonRenagade. Species 8472 looks like a zombie human with three reverse joint legs, because it is. It's a humanoid.
So in other words, they don't share the same body plan? That's non-humanoid.
Tell me DARCA, what do you think "Humanoid" means?
The hutts are slug knockoffs with arms and...a head.
Last I checked, slugs are non-humanoid.
The Muppets are fubar and I hate them non do they fit in anywhere. They are not creative.
The Muppets are awesome! stfu! :3
The Thalan are human ants.
No they aren't, in fact they have several attributes (like a slow population growth) that directly go against the evolutionary strategy of Ants.
Why? Because humanoid is a solid seller and non-human isn't.
There have been many non-humanoid forms in much of the best-selling fiction ever made.
2. PR. You never answered the question because I am right. You need a hand and intelligence and to be star worthy. If your humanoid or hutt.
And? Do you think only Humanoids can have both? We have examples of animals on Earth that have both for Christ's sake!
3. Tergon. How diluted are you?
Deluded, Tergon isn't a fluid solution.
I failed to come up with a truly unique looking species that could hold a hammer and use technology. All I got was what pretty much every single writer and designer got, a knockoff malglumation of existing ones.
Amalgamation. And again;

Please show me analogs with Earth life. I'll wait.
4. Tergon. Only idiots can't read. I never said there can't be more than what we have, you guys should know me better than that. The quote you provided speeks of science fiction, not reality.
Science fiction often mirrors reality in uncanny ways
5. Tergon. Would,a shoulda, coulda, they aren't smart because they aren't fated to be. Humans eat octopus, octopus don't eat us. They could be as smart as Einstein and they would still be prey. You need limbs built for grabbing not for swimming.
6. Tergon. "Implant that intellect to other creatures with sufficient capabilities of manipulation and you have similar success." duuhhh. you just said if you have a capable body and intelligence you can be like a human. Who would have thought of that? Its not like I've been saying that is what EVERY "intelligent" species on earth lacks and people have been ranting on how I'm wrong when they agree with my hypothesis.
So you agree with his hypothetical?
Then why do you disagree that non-humanoid aliens can be intelligent.
7. Why do you think I care about this? You know the process of race creation so you know what I am talking about. To make a serious space fairing civilization you need to resemble a humanoid.
No you don't, and simply stating it doesn't make it fact.
8. Econundrum1. You don't even know how to make a logical argument. Not here at least. You wanted to see a mollusks type civ. That's why I say non-humanoid intelligent life defies imagination. Another civ that is "different" but is based on a real one is the norm. You can put your head up your ass and sing the national anthem backwards and tap your feet together three times but you can't change that reality. I wish it was different myself.
That's by necessity; alien life is completely outside our experience, so it's not like we're able to use any example from the real world to base our conjecture on. We can, however, extrapolate probable courses of evolution by looking of examples of convergent evolution on Earth, which shows the solution in question is preferred by natural selection and not a fluke.
In that vein; eyes, limbs, skeletons, fins, aerodynamic bodies and their ilk are likely to be found on other planets.
9. Iggore and tergon. Humans are the heirs of earth.we are evolving and growing faster than compression.
Competition. And Humans actually evolve very slowly relative to many faster-breeding living things, in fact we are faster at the process than only a minuscule portion of all animals. The only relevant sense in which we are 'evolving' is in terms of technology, and it remains to be seen if technology will destroy us.
Earth isn't the property of anyone, it belongs to nature, we are not 'heirs' in any sense.
We are intricately and masterfully made
No we're not, the Human body plan is one of the most inefficient ones in nature. The only things we're good at are; talking, thinking, walking and grabbing. Other animals have us beat in the latter two categories by miles.
look at the results.
A third of all childbirths prior to industrialization resulting in the death of either the mother or baby? Joints prone to arthritis? Weak and minuscule muscle mass? Superfluous internal organs?
To be the master of a environment is to be complacent.
Many animals otherwise untouched due to their place in the food chain are often mobbed by many members of 'weaker' species. Lions and hyenas regularly get trampled or gored by their prey, whales and sharks get swarmed by various animals which disable them by butting their stomaches.
There's no complacency involved.
The Hawk has became the ultimate bird of prey genetically and mentally.
There have been many 'birds' of prey vastly superior to the Hawk.
It has also became weak.
Go fight a Hawk DARCA. You won't win.
Dependent on meat to survive
Like Humans?
and low flexibility
Hawks and other birds/analogs like them are widespread on nearly every continent. That doesn't happen through lack of flexibility.
makes this "intelligent" bird just like the dolphin, dog, elephant, primate, octopus, and the millions of other species, a corpse for the great extinction.
If the infrastructure of Human civilization was destroyed (done effortlessly through gamma ray bursts, severe solar activity, a radical climate shift, or meteor impact), more than 7 billion people would be doomed, and the survivors would revert back into savages easily smashed by any number of disasters.
When you look around, society seems pretty stable and immutable right? Wrong. It's balanced on a knife-edge, and all it takes is a small push for things to fall apart.
11. Econundrum1. You could be one blob of eyes but they have to be connected to a brain. The amount of power and mental compression it takes to see is enormous, the problem is to see in all directions would cause sensory overload and that takes brain space.
Insects and other invertebrates often have hundreds or thousands of eyes, and their brains are literally a million times smaller than ours. My desktop computer, which is about as powerful as 1/100th of my brain, could handle input from 8 cameras pretty effortlessly while running many other processes.
Much of the calculationsSpace that could be spread out more effectively like in real life. Ears can be more effective because they simpler for detecting predators/prey and reptiles use smell, elephants feel the ground, bats use radar. To be the eye species would look cool but would probably suck in application.

This guy has no eyes, seriously entirely blind to visible light. And he's been evaluated by biologists to be completely viable in the ecosystem he's part of.
This goes to show why sight and perception of your environment must be balanced or risk complacency.
Almost every multicellular animal that has ever existed, barring some in the early Cambrian Explosion, have had extensive systems of detection used to sense the environment. It's a non-issue.
Also when designing its hard to make a signature feature and not fixate on it.
Don't see how that's relevant.
12. Iggore. I am not a Russian but your right about antropocentrism. I believe deformed, non symmetrical, non-humanoid, water dwelling, abominations can't even make a shit factory much less discover FTL travel. Not without being humanoid.
Then you're painfully wrong.
13. Thank you fosterSOF for being open minded and a realist.
He wasn't agreeing with you, he was addressing the in-game issue.
14. ^. All of you are ignoring what I am saying as you continue a pointless illogical argument supporting something that doesn't exist. This is becoming quite sad if you look back at the responses to my my statements. As much as you all of you are in denial I have been very unDARCA and have , spoke clearly and cursed.
DARCA, you never write clearly, and you never address any points without diverting to another subject.
Sure non-humanoid life can develop I never said it couldn't, but it needs have hands be intelligent and live on land. Otherwise human/drengin will eat and enslave them like pigs and cattle.
Ny your criteria, if you insert high intelligence into the following they should be dandy;


lol, wrekt.
I hope your all edjemicated now, I am.
No you're not DARCA