I think having all of that is too ambitious. Some internal politics would be great, though.
Depending on government type, you could have a couple of pseudo-players representing your internal politics. This would work especially well if you can research/build things in parallel.
With a dictatorship, you control 100% of the budget, all of the time. Of course, from time to time, you'll need to put down a rebellion or shoot a too-ambitious underling...
With a democracy, you control on average 75% of the budget, and the rest must be spent to please voters (who of course have different values in different civilizations). If they feel threatened, you get a mandatory defense budget to spend on ships and military starbases, if they feel bored, they'll declare you must build a certain number of morale-boosting planetary improvements, etc. You have two or three political opponents with defined personalities, and if a planet is particularly dissatisfied, a rival party will take it over for a couple of turns to enact their own agenda - though you still can build on that planet - for your own money...
With a federation, you control 50% of the budget, and the rest is spent by the ruler of each planet in the federation, according to each planet's needs. It's easier to get an alien planet to join a federation, since they're more autonomous - but your planets will have a higher tendency to secede, when they're dissatisfied with your rule.
With an anarchy, you control 25% of the budget through the sheer power of your charisma (you're a rockstar or megacorp director or something), and the rest is spent pseudo-randomly, according to population desires.
By way of compensation, the more fiddly government types would get bigger commerce bonuses or cost less in the editor, so they'd be balanced compared to more centrally controlled civs.
Your civ could also come with a number of megacorporation pseudo-players, depending on where your civilization stands on the free-market-Vs-communism spectra. Ship-builders, bankers, pirates... They'd be less planet-bound, maybe spreading franchises to alien planets and eclipsing your own power...