There are some really great ideas in topic SY100, such as allowing starbases to have multiple planets pumping resources to them to expedite the ship construction process.
I am a little confused as to what the "dual planetary queue" is. Could someone clarify what this is?
Better name for "mining base" ---> sub-space resource extractor. Given that the resources are transported to their destination planet instantaneously.
Perhaps in order to build a shipyard anywhere in space there must be a condition that a wormhole must be constructed between two or more other shipyards/or planets before construction can begin. The wormhole can act as a resource transit between the newly constructed shipyard and the pre-existing shipyard(s)/planet(s).
Allow for trade transports to speed up/increase the flow rate of resources to any shipyards to counter the long-distance % negative effect of a shipyard that is too far away from a resource feeding shipyard/planet.