All those bug reports and endless feedback posts can become a bit depressing eventually. So I thought I would make a thread dedicated to things I liked in the Game so far.
There are many things I like about the Game but listed here are mostly things that sort of took me by surprise.
1. The game loads very fast! I have it installed on a regular HDD but it feels as though Its on a SSD. Maybe that is a feature of the Alpha not having many of the game functions loaded but still, it seems fast.
2. The Intro is badass: I like the Intro. The animators and composers did a great job. It looks professional and it is epic. I had the goosebumps when the Terran ship warped in and started mowing enemy vessels in half.
If I had one critic to make it would be about those ''PewPew'' Rifles. They make a somewhat goofy cliché laser sound. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. Just saying. Maybe I am the only one who thought of that.

3. The Music is very Good! So far what we have in the Alpha and the Vault is very high quality, not just the sound quality but the composition work too. This is significantly better than what we get in most games nowadays. I would hug StarDock for not neglecting this aspect.
4. End of turn automated ship movements are simultaneous: I was very pleased by that. No longer waiting 5 min for my 40 transport ships to move one after the other.
5. Notifications on the End turn button. I think this is a good thing to have idle colonies, idle ships or no research reminded to you. While I like it, maybe make it toggable in the options, im sure some people out there might be annoyed by it. I still hope we get proper start of turn GNN/notification in the beginning of each turns though.
6. The production wheel. There has been some critics to it, but personally I think it's great at what it aims to be. I found it extremely instinctive to use. I needed zero adaptation time and could immediately tweak it to get the values I wanted out of it. Much more efficient and fun to use than the 3 sliders in GalCiv 2.
7. The little (dum dum) sound at the end of a turn. It is not much but I still like it. Even more usefull in MP to announce the beginning of your turn.
8. The overall look of the UI. The black and neon theme is pleasing to me. I especially like those 4 icons in the research Screen.


Seriously we can do that?
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