I agree.
For your benefit though [Music is played in background with suspense overtones]
Human Speaking: (Camera is zooming in Human and Thalan)
"You claim humanity causes the destruction of the galaxy."
(Camera focused on Human)
"How can this be?"
(Camera shows Earth surrounded)
"Earth is surrounded by an alien armada."
(Camera shows Arcea)
"Our allies lie in ruins."
(Camera on surface)
"Their worlds ravaged."
(Camera focued on Humans back)
"I don't see how we can be the great threat in the universe."
Thalan Speaking: (Camera focuses on Thalan)
"There is a crusade coming"
(Camera focused on wormhole with Terran Armada coming through)
"A crusade lead by humans."
(Ship explodes in frame)
"and with it the end of all things."