Episode 2
In the First Episode, Our favourite crew accidentally got sucked into a wormhole. Have their ship, the U.S.S Bugfinder survived the trip to wherever lies on the other side? Find out in this brand new Episode of Trouble In Galaxy Alpha!
*Crash* ...
*Worm hole opening rips through space*

<Melnorme> Captain! I think we made it through the wormhole in one piece! Are you all right Captain?
<Captain Bradley> Unless you tell me we are back in the pocket dimension, I guess Im fine.
<Melnorme> Give me a second while I check our status on the computer screen.
<Computer> ...*beep* *beep*
<Melnorme> Captain, I have a good news, but also a bad one.
<Captain Bradley> meh... Start with the good one...
<Melnorme> Well, our ship seems intact and we are still in the same dimension! We just traveled a few sectors away. We are still in subspace communication range with earth and they transmitted back our general position. We should be able to reach the known region of space in a few turns!

<Captain Bradley> Great! Now I do not know what the bad news is but it cannot be that bad!
<Melnorme> It seems our forces have detected the energy signature of another sentient race nearby. It appears we are not alone in this universe. We should be on our guards.
<Captain Bradley> What!! This is not a bad news!! It is AWESOME!! It means we finally have stuff to conquer. What is the military status back on earth?
<Melnorme> We have fully researched a technology to build military transports to invade other planets. The first transport will soon be ready to depart and invade something.
<Captain Bradley> Excellent!
<Melnorme> Captain, we are receiving a transmission. I think it is coming from that other sentient race we just discovered.

<Captain Bradley> Did you hear that Melnorme? Sounds like its going to be an easy one! While I usually like a little challenge, I find this exciting in a different way!
<Melnorme> I don't know captain, this might be a trap.
<Captain Bradley> Bah, let's call their leader and see what they are made of.
*Bradley calls Akari Malara*
<Akari> Hello?

<Captain Bradley> Well, awesome then! See you in a few turns when our invading forces arrive. Bye Bye sweety!
<Akari> Captain please wait!!
<Captain Bradley> Yes?
<Akari> Please take me as your slave aboard your ship! I will do whatever you want!
<Captain Bradley> Uhh... Well... We happen to have a position recently vacated by Private Melnorme right here.
*Melnorme waves at the screen*
<Captain Bradley> It consists of washing the dishes. Does that interest you?
<Akari> Of course Captain, anything!
<Captain Bradley> Alright, just don't expect to be paid or anything.
<Akari> Of course not! Ill be off to take a shuttle for your ship now. I am eager to start. My people rejoice at the news of your coming 
*Akari cuts the communication*
<Captain Bradley> See Melnorme? They actually like that stuff!
<Melnorme> I don't know, still might be a trap. But then maybe it's because they are only an Alpha version. Who knows what effect this has on them?
<Captain Bradley> Bah.. We are only turn 14 and we have that badass Precursor chip and a transport full of blood thirsty maniacs. it's not like they are going to resist much no matter what.
<Melnorme> That's a good point Captain.
*A few turns later a transport appears out of a nebula near the planet Altaria*

*Altaria is nuked thoroughly, Space marines finish up the job and Survivors are enslaved.*
Estimated casualties: 10 billions
<Captain Bradley> Ahh Wasn't it wonderful Melnorme? The screams of joy and delight as nuclear fire engulf their ecstatic bodies?!
<Melnorme> Yes Captain! It seems you were right, they truly like that stuff!
<Captain Bradley> Now order the construction of a Spaceport and a couple factories, we will need those slaves at work producing new war ships ASAP.

<Melnorme> Wait... Captain I just received a transmission from a lone shuttle coming from Altaria. It wants to Dock on our ship. Should we blow it up?
*Akari appears on the screen*
<Akari> Please let me aboard the ship! I cannot stand not being your slave any longer!!
<Captain Bradley> Fine let her in.
*Akari enters the room*
<Akari> What you have done today is truly marvelous Captain!! Now please torture me to death or something!!
<Captain Bradley> Sorry dear, cannot do that yet. We have to deal with some real world problem first. Dirty dishes have been accumulating for weeks since Melnorme here quit his job.
*Melnorme waves*
<Captain Bradley> You will have at least two weeks of continuous labor to go through that pile of plate. I need you to do that before we can begin torturing you to death or something.
<Akari> Thank you Captain!
*Akari leaves for the kitchen*
<Melnorme> Captain! I just received a Transmission from one of our advanced line scout. It appears a new sentient species has been located.
<Captain Bradley> Ahh Cool!
<Melnorme> Wait, captain. By the type of signature emission that is coming out of their worlds... It appears we might soon have to deal with...
''DUN DUN DUN!'' *Plays dramatic music*
<Captain Bradley>
<Guards In the Corner>
End of episode two.
Now Now Now... Will the Drengin empire be the real menace that will put an end to the Glorious Terran victory spree? Will the Drengin's reputation for brutality and cruelty be a herald for the demise of the Valiant Terran Conqueror? Find out ... In the Next Episode!