I wont bow because I have just as much power and faster loading times. Ok im not overclocked yet though, as everything runs fast enough.
everything runs fast enough
fast enough
Btw you got lucky with your chip if you can get it to run nice at 4.5ghz, they cannot all to do it.
Doesn't the "K" variant of our CPU mean it's made with overclocking in mind?
And you did not specify your mobo. Btw
Asus Z87-Pro
It's heavy as a brick, sturdy as steel plate.
I am done paying through the teeth for my computers. My last upgrade cost me around 700$ ( Mobo + cpu + Ram + cooler + SSD ). But then I resold my old parts on Ebay for about as much ( long story but it involved getting a bunch of parts at a steal on Craigslist and reselling them for good profit while upgrading my case and psu )
I completely replaced everything from my old computer, and my ability to resell is on par with my aiming ability
lol. Smart move, getting rid of your older junk like that, I'll have to remember that!