I bought Galactic Civilization III Elite Founder' but it are saying: "coming son".
When could I donwload it?
Best regards.
What exactly do you think "coming soon" means? Just curious.
The game is not out yet the alpha test AKA the Elite Founders will be able to download on march 27th at last word from stardock
Currently the game is not available for download. You will see Coming Soon on your products page for this game.
Please be sure to keep an eye here for updates: https://www.galciv3.com/
And check the forums every now and then for more info: https://forums.galciv3.com/
Thank's to you.
Judging from his grammar, I doubt he even knows. I think English is his second language.
Yes, Amom1976 is probably not a native English speaker. I complement him (her? a mom) on their politeness ("kind regards").
His profile says Spain. Welcome to the fun.
Spain? Hola amigo nuevo! Estudio el Espanol thres anos en la escuela "Franklin." Now, after many, many years, I speak very little Espanol. Que lastima! Welcome to the boards, and GalCiv3, and all the mayhem.
Yes, I from spain.
I liked very much the second title. I hope this part was than cool to before.
I'm sorry muy english.
Un saludo.
Don't worry about your English. When someone posts something I have difficulty understanding I check that person's profile. Knowing what their first language is and that it isn't English usually helps me understand what they posted.
Mi casa su casa.
De nada.
Good news anyway Im pretty thrilled to test the alphja relesase on my computer. An ASUS ROG it will be definitivly nice on this
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