In the future, touch controls will become more and more important as more and more devices will support it.
BTW nice article Cyong_ . I completely agree that the experience with Civ V was great!
I look forward to have GC III with optimised touch controls. It will elevate the experience, and as GC games are such long lived games, there may come a time when all our devices are mostly touch devices, with the few exceptions of gaming PCs which would most likely need 3 million clicks per minute.
With new mobile devices coming out (especially with Tegra 1K power and Apples new chips), gaming on the tablet is becoming a reality. Not sure if GC III will be portable to Android or iOS, but it would really open up the market and help support the company. I know Stardock is committed to PC only titles, however, as the hardware for tablets, consoles and PCs are becoming more and more similar, it looks like the future is in unified gaming, i.e. cross platform games.