Anyone else generally bothered by sound effects that seem to universally exist in space games? - as space is a vacuum, it's not possible to hear sound waves.
I can't think of a space game that has managed this well - usually there's lots of "pew pew, whoosh whoosh, bang boom" type sounds. Understandably so, playing a game that's completely silent is fairly mundane, and finding a realistic medium might be difficult. The television series "Firefly" does this well though, for instance.
Sounds emanating from one's own ships (that one would reasonably expect to hear while on the ship) always feel appropriate to me: "launch fighters," "incoming missile detected," or "fire on the bridge" types of things. But hearing laser beams skitter across empty space ... not so much...
Sound differences can really change the perception of space to being a busy, bustling, and warm environ or being cold, dark and unforgiving.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Maybe a simple "space is silent" toggle would/could make everyone happy.