Idealist-Opportunist would probably be a better way of naming Good vs. Evil
A chaos-law scale (Authoritarian-Anarchic) would also be interesting. Am currently re-watching Babylon 5, and the Law-Chaos conflict is the crux of the show.
Right there with ya, and you my friend, have excellent taste in scifi
One of my all time favorite shows, infact, I was thinking about starting to rewatch it again.
I always (when having the options and controls) approached it as a somewhat laid-back dictator. Kinda some of the perspective I had in a job from my youth, a bouncer. I was (still am) quite sizable, polite and well spoken and am inclined to leave you alone if you follow my (the bar's) rules, if you go against the "Law of the Land" to got a VERY firm grip politely asking you to decist, if you choose not to, you will be removed, by any level of force necessary. Basicaly, ingame, cross me at your own peril as you will find out how much of a totalitarian dictator schmuck I can REALLY be, otherwise I am rather amicable.