I agree, however not everyone has a high end gaming rig. I do not code and realize that as a developer you want your game to be accesible to as many customers/players as possible. This game may just bring PC gaming back for many!
But what is the average end user using these days... For that I wonder to this horrible website Walmart.com being you know the average American shops here and is cheap, you also know that most people don't buy one every year and will buy laptops/tablets over desktops, but I wonder so thinking that they purchased a mid-range walmart pc 1-2 years ago, I look at their current bottom of barrel selection, this is what I found.
We're going to say Windows 7 64 bit,
1-2 core intel processor 1.9 - 2.5Ghz
4-8 GB Ram
Intigrated video/sound cards 1gb
1 monitor
This is not what I hope they build the game to, I would hope they'd target
2-4 core processor above 2.5Ghz but support up to 8
6+ ram supported game using up to max available.
dual monitor support